Frontiers in páramo water resources research: A multidisciplinary assessment
Interdisciplinary knowledge is necessary to achieve sustainable management of natural
resources. However, research is still often developed in an exclusively disciplinary manner …
resources. However, research is still often developed in an exclusively disciplinary manner …
Progress in understanding the hydrology of high-elevation Andean grasslands under changing land use
High-elevation grasslands worldwide provide essential hydrological services including
water provision, flow regulation, and erosion control. Despite their importance, hydrological …
water provision, flow regulation, and erosion control. Despite their importance, hydrological …
The role of vegetation, soils, and precipitation on water storage and hydrological services in Andean Páramo catchments
Understanding how tropical montane catchments store and release water, and the resulting
water ecosystem services they provide is crucial for improving water resource management …
water ecosystem services they provide is crucial for improving water resource management …
Moisture transport and seasonal variations in the stable isotopic composition of rainfall in Central American and Andean Páramo during El Niño conditions (2015 …
High‐elevation tropical grassland systems, called Páramo, provide essential ecosystem
services such as water storage and supply for surrounding and lowland areas. Páramo …
services such as water storage and supply for surrounding and lowland areas. Páramo …
Sub-metre map** of surface soil moisture in proglacial valleys of the tropical Andes using a multispectral unmanned aerial vehicle
Surface soil moisture is a critical but often neglected component of the hydrologic budget.
Within mountain environments, surface soil moisture is highly heterogeneous and …
Within mountain environments, surface soil moisture is highly heterogeneous and …
Remote sensing and modeling fusion for investigating the ecosystem water-carbon coupling processes
The water and carbon cycles are tightly linked and play a key role in the material and energy
flows between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, but the interactions of water and …
flows between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, but the interactions of water and …
Who are we measuring and modeling for? Supporting multilevel decision‐making in watershed management
As watershed management programs have become more common globally, so have efforts
to support these initiatives through hydrologic modeling and monitoring. However, these …
to support these initiatives through hydrologic modeling and monitoring. However, these …
Ecohydrological drivers of Neotropical vegetation in montane ecosystems
Montane ecosystems are known for their high numbers of endemic species, unique climate
conditions, and wide variety of ecosystem services such as water supply and carbon …
conditions, and wide variety of ecosystem services such as water supply and carbon …
[HTML][HTML] Soil moisture analysis by means of multispectral images according to land use and spatial resolution on andosols in the Colombian Andes
M Casamitjana, MC Torres-Madroñero… - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
Surface soil moisture is an important hydrological parameter in agricultural areas. Periodic
measurements in tropical mountain environments are poorly representative of larger areas …
measurements in tropical mountain environments are poorly representative of larger areas …
The variation of vegetation greenness and underlying mechanisms in Guangdong province of China during 2001–2013 based on MODIS data
Y Wu, G Tang, H Gu, Y Liu, M Yang, L Sun - Science of the Total …, 2019 - Elsevier
This study explored the spatiotemporal variation of vegetation greenness and the
mechanisms underlying this variation in the subtropical region of Guangdong in China …
mechanisms underlying this variation in the subtropical region of Guangdong in China …