Computational complexity: a conceptual perspective
O Goldreich - ACM Sigact News, 2008 - dl.acm.org
This book is rooted in the thesis that complexity theory is extremely rich in conceptual
content, and that this contents should be explicitly communicated in expositions and courses …
content, and that this contents should be explicitly communicated in expositions and courses …
[HTML][HTML] Cryptographic primitives in blockchains
Blockchain, as one of the crypto-intensive creatures, has become a very hot topic recently.
Although many surveys have recently been dedicated to the security and privacy issues of …
Although many surveys have recently been dedicated to the security and privacy issues of …
[KNIHA][B] Approximation algorithms
VV Vazirani - 2001 - Springer
Although this may seem a paradox, all exact science is dominated by the idea of
approximation. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) Most natural optimization problems, including …
approximation. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) Most natural optimization problems, including …
Private information retrieval
Publicly accessible databases are an indispensable resource for retrieving up-to-date
information. But they also pose a significant risk to the privacy of the user, since a curious …
information. But they also pose a significant risk to the privacy of the user, since a curious …
Expander graphs and their applications
But, perhaps, we should start with a few words about graphs in general. They are, of course,
one of the prime objects of study in Discrete Mathematics. However, graphs are among the …
one of the prime objects of study in Discrete Mathematics. However, graphs are among the …
Which problems have strongly exponential complexity?
R Impagliazzo, R Paturi, F Zane - Journal of Computer and System …, 2001 - Elsevier
For several NP-complete problems, there have been a progression of better but still
exponential algorithms. In this paper, we address the relative likelihood of sub-exponential …
exponential algorithms. In this paper, we address the relative likelihood of sub-exponential …
Proof verification and the hardness of approximation problems
We show that every language in NP has a probablistic verifier that checks membership
proofs for it using logarithmic number of random bits and by examining a constant number of …
proofs for it using logarithmic number of random bits and by examining a constant number of …
Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems
DS Hochba - ACM Sigact News, 1997 - dl.acm.org
Approximation algorithms have developed in response to the impossibility of solving a great
variety of important optimization problems. Too frequently, when attempting to get a solution …
variety of important optimization problems. Too frequently, when attempting to get a solution …
Probabilistic checking of proofs: A new characterization of NP
S Arora, S Safra - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1998 - dl.acm.org
We give a new characterization of NP: the class NP contains exactly those languages L for
which membership proofs (a proof that an input x is in L) can be verified probabilistically in …
which membership proofs (a proof that an input x is in L) can be verified probabilistically in …
Polynomial time approximation schemes for Euclidean traveling salesman and other geometric problems
S Arora - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1998 - dl.acm.org
We present a polynomial time approximation scheme for Euclidean TSP in fixed dimensions.
For every fixed c> 1 and given any n nodes in ℛ2, a randomized version of the scheme finds …
For every fixed c> 1 and given any n nodes in ℛ2, a randomized version of the scheme finds …