[HTML][HTML] A systematic review of social innovation and community energy transitions
For the energy transition, Social Innovation (SI) has been defined as innovations that
contribute to the low-carbon energy transition, civic empowerment, and social goals through …
contribute to the low-carbon energy transition, civic empowerment, and social goals through …
[HTML][HTML] Distributed local energy: Assessing the determinants of domestic-scale solar photovoltaic uptake at the local level across England and Wales
The withdrawal of the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) by the UK Government at the end of March 2019,
which rewarded low carbon electricity generators with subsidy payments, has led to doubts …
which rewarded low carbon electricity generators with subsidy payments, has led to doubts …
[HTML][HTML] Evidence behind the narrative: Critically reviewing the social impact of energy communities in Europe
Energy Communities are playing an ever greater role in the European renewable energy
transition. As an instrument for citizen-led transformation, they are associated not only with …
transition. As an instrument for citizen-led transformation, they are associated not only with …
[HTML][HTML] Trust, awareness, and independence: Insights from a socio-psychological factor analysis of citizen knowledge and participation in community energy systems
In order to decarbonize the energy sector, there is a widespread consensus that the role of
end-users in the energy system should change from passive consumption to active …
end-users in the energy system should change from passive consumption to active …
[HTML][HTML] Mainstreaming community energy: is the renewable energy directive a driver for renewable energy communities in Germany and Italy?
By 30 June 2021, EU Member States were expected to transpose the recast Renewable
Energy Directive (RED II) which includes provisions for renewable energy communities …
Energy Directive (RED II) which includes provisions for renewable energy communities …
[HTML][HTML] Historical institutionalist perspective on the shift from feed-in tariffs towards auctioning in German renewable energy policy
An early implementer of feed-in tariffs, Germany soon became feed-in champion,
continuously resisting pressures–from the European Commission in particular–to adopt a …
continuously resisting pressures–from the European Commission in particular–to adopt a …
[HTML][HTML] Civic engagement and energy transition in the Nordic-Baltic Sea Region: Parametric and nonparametric inquiries
The role of civic participation in issues directly or indirectly related to environmental quality is
reputed to be on the rise globally. Bottom-up grassroots movements can be conducive to …
reputed to be on the rise globally. Bottom-up grassroots movements can be conducive to …
Is there a prosumer pathway? Exploring household solar energy development in Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom
Prosuming–where private households use photovoltaics to produce electricity at home–has
proliferated across Western countries, but growth rates have varied significantly. Focusing …
proliferated across Western countries, but growth rates have varied significantly. Focusing …
Futuristic decentralized clean energy networks in view of inclusive-economic growth and sustainable society
The growing demand for energy over the last few decades has increased our dependency
on fossil fuel-based sources leading to significant environmental degradation and huge …
on fossil fuel-based sources leading to significant environmental degradation and huge …
[HTML][HTML] Engaging men and women in energy production in Norway and the United Kingdom: The significance of social practices and gender relations
To achieve an energy transition favouring renewable energy in the face of climate change,
several countries in the EU region have pursued different economic incentives to encourage …
several countries in the EU region have pursued different economic incentives to encourage …