Consequences of interspecific variation in defenses and herbivore host choice for the ecology and evolution of Inga, a speciose rainforest tree
PD Coley, MJ Endara, TA Kursar - Oecologia, 2018 - Springer
We summarize work on a speciose Neotropical tree genus, Inga (Fabaceae), examining
how interspecific variation in anti-herbivore defenses may have evolved, how defenses …
how interspecific variation in anti-herbivore defenses may have evolved, how defenses …
Phylogeographic studies depict the role of space and time scales of plant speciation in a highly diverse Neotropical region
Phylogeographic studies have merged different disciplines to explain speciation processes
at both spatial and time scales. Although the number of phylogeographic extant studies has …
at both spatial and time scales. Although the number of phylogeographic extant studies has …
Lessons on evolution from the study of edaphic specialization
N Rajakaruna - The Botanical Review, 2018 - Springer
Plants adapted to special soil types are ideal for investigating evolutionary processes,
including maintenance of intraspecific variation, adaptation, reproductive isolation, ecotypic …
including maintenance of intraspecific variation, adaptation, reproductive isolation, ecotypic …
The origins and historical assembly of the Brazilian Caatinga seasonally dry tropical forests
The Brazilian Caatinga is considered the richest nucleus of the Seasonally Dry Tropical
Forests (SDTF) in the Neotropics, also exhibiting high levels of endemism, but the timing of …
Forests (SDTF) in the Neotropics, also exhibiting high levels of endemism, but the timing of …
Processes Driving the Adaptive Radiation of a Tropical Tree ( Diospyros , Ebenaceae) in New Caledonia, a Biodiversity Hotspot
Due to its special geological history, the New Caledonian Archipelago is a mosaic of soil
types, and in combination with climatic conditions this results in a heterogeneous …
types, and in combination with climatic conditions this results in a heterogeneous …
Investigating processes of neotropical rain forest tree diversification by examining the evolution and historical biogeography of the Protieae (Burseraceae)
Andean uplift and the collision of North and South America are thought to have major
implications for the diversification of the Neotropical biota. However, few studies have …
implications for the diversification of the Neotropical biota. However, few studies have …
Testing the role of ecology and life history in structuring genetic variation across a landscape: A trait‐based phylogeographic approach
Hypotheses to explain phylogeographic structure traditionally invoke geographic features,
but often fail to provide a general explanation for spatial patterns of genetic variation …
but often fail to provide a general explanation for spatial patterns of genetic variation …
Habitat endemism in white‐sand forests: insights into the mechanisms of lineage diversification and community assembly of the Neotropical flora
White‐sand forests represent natural laboratories of evolution over their long history
throughout Amazonia and the Guiana Shield and pose significant physiological challenges …
throughout Amazonia and the Guiana Shield and pose significant physiological challenges …
Unravelling the factors affecting multiple facets of macroinvertebrate beta diversity in the World's Third Pole
Z Li, J Heino, J Zhang, Y Ge, Z Liu… - Journal of …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Disentangling how stochastic and deterministic processes contribute to variation in beta
diversity is a common goal for ecologists and biogeographers. However, such studies are …
diversity is a common goal for ecologists and biogeographers. However, such studies are …
A compositional turnover zone of biogeographical magnitude within lowland Amazonia
Aim To assess the relative roles of geologically defined terrain types (environmental
heterogeneity) and a major river (physical dispersal barrier) as predictors of ecological …
heterogeneity) and a major river (physical dispersal barrier) as predictors of ecological …