[HTML][HTML] Projection method with inertial step for nonlinear equations: application to signal recovery
In this paper, using the concept of inertial extrapolation, we introduce a globally convergent
inertial extrapolation method for solving nonlinear equations with convex constraints for …
inertial extrapolation method for solving nonlinear equations with convex constraints for …
Accelerated derivative‐free method for nonlinear monotone equations with an application
In optimization theory, to speed up the convergence of iterative procedures, many
mathematicians often use the inertial extrapolation method. In this article, based on the three …
mathematicians often use the inertial extrapolation method. In this article, based on the three …
New hybrid three-term spectral-conjugate gradient method for finding solutions of nonlinear monotone operator equations with applications
In this paper, we present a new hybrid spectral-conjugate gradient (SCG) algorithm for
finding approximate solutions to nonlinear monotone operator equations. The hybrid …
finding approximate solutions to nonlinear monotone operator equations. The hybrid …
A derivative-free three-term Hestenes–Stiefel type method for constrained nonlinear equations and image restoration
In this paper, a derivative-free Hestenes–Stielfel type method is proposed to solve large-
scale nonlinear equations with convex constraints. The proposed method adopts the line …
scale nonlinear equations with convex constraints. The proposed method adopts the line …
[PDF][PDF] An efficient gradient-free projection algorithm for constrained nonlinear equations and image restoration
Motivated by the projection technique, in this paper, we introduce a new method for
approximating the solution of nonlinear equations with convex constraints. Under the …
approximating the solution of nonlinear equations with convex constraints. Under the …
Inertial derivative-free projection method for nonlinear monotone operator equations with convex constraints
In this paper, we propose an inertial derivative-free projection method for solving convex
constrained nonlinear monotone operator equations (CNME). The method incorporates the …
constrained nonlinear monotone operator equations (CNME). The method incorporates the …
Derivative-free HS-DY-type method for solving nonlinear equations and image restoration
A derivative-free conjugate gradient algorithm for solving nonlinear equations and image
restoration is proposed. The conjugate gradient (CG) parameter of the proposed algorithm is …
restoration is proposed. The conjugate gradient (CG) parameter of the proposed algorithm is …
PRP-like algorithm for monotone operator equations
Many studies have been devoted to develop and improve the iterative methods for solving
convex constraint nonlinear equations problem (CCP). Based on the projection technique …
convex constraint nonlinear equations problem (CCP). Based on the projection technique …
A new three-term Hestenes-Stiefel type method for nonlinear monotone operator equations and image restoration
In this article, a derivative-free method of Hestenes-Stiefel type is proposed for solving
system of monotone operator equations with convex constraints. The method proposed is …
system of monotone operator equations with convex constraints. The method proposed is …
A method with inertial extrapolation step for convex constrained monotone equations
In recent times, various algorithms have been incorporated with the inertial extrapolation
step to speed up the convergence of the sequence generated by these algorithms. As far as …
step to speed up the convergence of the sequence generated by these algorithms. As far as …