Digital innovation in SMEs: a systematic review, synthesis and research agenda

B Ramdani, S Raja, M Kayumova - Information Technology for …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents a systematic literature review on digital innovation in Small and Medium-
sized Enterprises (SMEs). It aims to synthesize previous research and identify knowledge …

Digital innovation: A review and synthesis

R Kohli, NP Melville - Information Systems Journal, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Organizations are under increasing pressure to apply digital technologies to renew and
transform their business models. A great deal of research has examined specific …

Understanding the determinants of big data analytics (BDA) adoption in logistics and supply chain management: An empirical investigation

Y Lai, H Sun, J Ren - The International Journal of Logistics …, 2018 -
Purpose Based on previous literature on big data analytics (BDA) and supply chain (SC)
management, the purpose of this paper is to address the factors determining firms' intention …

A framework for guiding and evaluating literature reviews

M Templier, G Paré - … of the Association for Information Systems, 2015 -
Given that the synthesis of cumulated knowledge is an essential condition for any field to
grow and develop, we believe that the enhanced role of IS reviews requires that this …

Impact of demonetization on diffusion of mobile payment service in India: Antecedents of behavioral intention and adoption using extended UTAUT model

N Sobti - Journal of Advances in Management Research, 2019 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the antecedents of the behavioral intention
and adoption of mobile payment services like m-wallets and m-banking by users in India …

Understanding mobile marketing adoption intention by South African SMEs: A multi-perspective framework

DK Maduku, M M**anjira, H Duh - International Journal of Information …, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper examines the key drivers of mobile marketing adoption intention by South African
SMEs using a multi-perspective framework that combines elements in the technological …

The evolution of technology acceptance theories

AM Momani, M Jamous - International journal of contemporary …, 2017 -
Technology acceptance has become one of the most significant subjects in software
engineering field. Many theories and models have been proposed over the years to explain …

The structural virality of online diffusion

S Goel, A Anderson, J Hofman… - Management …, 2016 -
Viral products and ideas are intuitively understood to grow through a person-to-person
diffusion process analogous to the spread of an infectious disease; however, until recently it …

IT as enabler of sustainable farming: An empirical analysis of farmers' adoption decision of precision agriculture technology

BA Aubert, A Schroeder, J Grimaudo - Decision support systems, 2012 - Elsevier
Precision agriculture (PA) describes a suite of IT based tools which allow farmers to
electronically monitor soil and crop conditions and analyze treatment options. This study …

What makes you choose Airbnb again? An examination of users' perceptions toward the website and their stay

CR Wang, M Jeong - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2018 - Elsevier
Despite Airbnb's popularity as a sharing economy platform, few studies have simultaneously
examined its customers' attitudes toward its website and satisfaction with their Airbnb stay …