[HTML][HTML] A survey of privacy-preserving mechanisms for heterogeneous data types
Due to the pervasiveness of always connected devices, large amounts of heterogeneous
data are continuously being collected. Beyond the benefits that accrue for the users, there …
data are continuously being collected. Beyond the benefits that accrue for the users, there …
Impacts of location-privacy preserving schemes on vehicular applications
Location privacy is a big concern in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). The strict latency
requirements of safety-critical applications demand transmission of unencrypted …
requirements of safety-critical applications demand transmission of unencrypted …
Novel trajectory privacy-preserving method based on clustering using differential privacy
X Zhao, D Pi, J Chen - Expert Systems with Applications, 2020 - Elsevier
With the development of location-aware technology, a large amount of location data of users
is collected by the trajectory database. If these trajectory data are directly used for data …
is collected by the trajectory database. If these trajectory data are directly used for data …
Exploring and field-demonstrating geofence-based occupancy-centric control in residential buildings
Several studies have highlighted the thermal comfort challenges associated with occupancy-
centric control (OCC) when occupants first arrive, despite OCC demonstrating energy …
centric control (OCC) when occupants first arrive, despite OCC demonstrating energy …
Expanding the attack surface: Robust profiling attacks threaten the privacy of sparse behavioral data
Behavioral data, collected from our daily interactions with technology, have driven scientific
advances. Yet, the collection and sharing of this data raise legitimate privacy concerns, as …
advances. Yet, the collection and sharing of this data raise legitimate privacy concerns, as …
Privacy-preserving travel time prediction with uncertainty using GPS trace data
The rapid growth of GPS technology and mobile devices has led to a massive accumulation
of location data, bringing considerable benefits to individuals and society. One of the major …
of location data, bringing considerable benefits to individuals and society. One of the major …
Differential privacy preservation for location semantics
With the rapid development of intelligent mobile terminals and communication technologies,
location-based services (LBSs) have become an essential part of users' lives. LBS providers …
location-based services (LBSs) have become an essential part of users' lives. LBS providers …
An efficient differential privacy-based method for location privacy protection in location-based services
B Wang, H Li, X Ren, Y Guo - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
Location-based services (LBS) are widely used due to the rapid development of mobile
devices and location technology. Users usually provide precise location information to LBS …
devices and location technology. Users usually provide precise location information to LBS …
A personalized trajectory privacy protection method
J Li, G Chen - Computers & Security, 2021 - Elsevier
Trajectory data of sports or activities are usually collected and shared into social apps like
Wechat moments, Sina weibo in public to provide health services and recommendation …
Wechat moments, Sina weibo in public to provide health services and recommendation …
Velocity-aware geo-indistinguishability
Location Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms (LPPMs) have been proposed to mitigate the risks
of privacy disclosure yielded from location sharing. However, due to the nature of this type of …
of privacy disclosure yielded from location sharing. However, due to the nature of this type of …