The evolution of the westernmost Mediterranean basins
Based on more than 4,500 km of new and re-processed multichannel seismic lines, high-
resolution seafloor bathymetry, available well data, and basement dredge samples, we have …
resolution seafloor bathymetry, available well data, and basement dredge samples, we have …
Earthquake crisis unveils the growth of an incipient continental fault system
Large continental faults extend for thousands of kilometres to form boundaries between rigid
tectonic blocks. These faults are associated with prominent topographic features and can …
tectonic blocks. These faults are associated with prominent topographic features and can …
Kinematic analysis of secondary faults within a distributed shear-zone reveals fault linkage and increased seismic hazard
Complex multifault earthquake ruptures involving secondary faults emphasize the necessity
to characterize their seismogenic potential better and study their relationship with major …
to characterize their seismogenic potential better and study their relationship with major …
A first appraisal of the seismogenic and tsunamigenic potential of the largest fault systems in the westernmost Mediterranean
The westernmost Mediterranean hosts part of the plate boundary between the European
and African tectonic plates. Based on the scattered instrumental seismicity, this boundary …
and African tectonic plates. Based on the scattered instrumental seismicity, this boundary …
Seismo-tectonics of Greater Iberia: An updated review
From the analysis of 542 moment tensor focal mechanisms in Iberia, active tectonic
deformations and stresses were inferred by implementing different and complementary …
deformations and stresses were inferred by implementing different and complementary …
Inversion of multichannel seismic data by combination of travel-time and full-waveform tomography
C Gras Andreu - 2019 - digital.csic.es
This thesis presents the implementation and application of a procedure combining different
geophysical techniques to extract high-resolution information that helps characterizing the …
geophysical techniques to extract high-resolution information that helps characterizing the …
[SITAT][C] Alboran Ridge South: ME012
AR South, A Sea, J García-Mayordomo, C Canora… - info.igme.es
Quaternary Faults Database of Iberia Alboran Ridge South: ME012 Identification - compilation
Identification Identification code : ME012 Fault name : Alboran Ridge South Identification method …
Identification Identification code : ME012 Fault name : Alboran Ridge South Identification method …
[SITAT][C] Yussuf: ME017
A Sea, J García-Mayordomo, C Canora, H Perea - info.igme.es
Quaternary Faults Database of Iberia Yussuf: ME017 Identification - compilation Identification
Identification code : ME017 Fault name : Yussuf Identification method : Marine geophysical …
Identification code : ME017 Fault name : Yussuf Identification method : Marine geophysical …
[SITAT][C] Alboran Ridge North: ME010
AR North, A Sea, J García-Mayordomo, C Canora… - info.igme.es
Quaternary Faults Database of Iberia Alboran Ridge North: ME010 Identification - compilation
Identification Identification code : ME010 Fault name : Alboran Ridge North Identification …
Identification Identification code : ME010 Fault name : Alboran Ridge North Identification …
[SITAT][C] Tofiño-Xauen Bank Northern Flank: ME014 (Debated fault)
TXBN Flank, A Sea, J García-Mayordomo, C Canora… - info.igme.es
Quaternary Faults Database of Iberia Tofiño-Xauen Bank Northern Flank: ME014 (Debated
fault) Identification - compilation Identification Identification code : ME014 Fault name …
fault) Identification - compilation Identification Identification code : ME014 Fault name …