Perbandingan Tawas Dan Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) Pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Tempe
S Widiawati, FB Ardistya, A Aktawan… - Prosiding …, 2024 -
Limbah yang dihasilkan dari industri tempe diantaranya limbah cair, limbah padat, dan
limbah gas. Limbah cair dari industri tempe apabila tidak diolah secara baik, maka akan …
limbah gas. Limbah cair dari industri tempe apabila tidak diolah secara baik, maka akan …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical Solution of nth Order DAEM for Kinetic Study of Lignocellulosic Biomass Pyrolysis
The aim of the present study was to explore the most optimal configuration to numerically
solve Distributed Activation Energy Models (DAEMs). DAEMs are useful in obtaining the …
solve Distributed Activation Energy Models (DAEMs). DAEMs are useful in obtaining the …
Pengaruh Pengaruh Variasi Suhu dan Berat Biomassa Terhadap Yield dan Kualitas Bio-oil Menggunakan Biomassa Sekam Padi pada Proses Pirolisis
F Ramadhan, A Syuriadi… - … Seminar Nasional Teknik …, 2024 -
In Indonesia, energy demand is increasing with population growth, but it is not matched by
adequate energy availability. The use of fossil energy causes negative impacts such as …
adequate energy availability. The use of fossil energy causes negative impacts such as …