What do you mean by collaboration analytics? A conceptual model
Using data to generate a deeper understanding of collaborative learning is not new, but
automatically analyzing log data has enabled new means of identifying key indicators of …
automatically analyzing log data has enabled new means of identifying key indicators of …
Implementing collaborative learning activities in the classroom supported by one-to-one mobile computing: A design-based process
Mobile devices such as PDAs, smartphones and tablet computers are becoming
increasingly popular, setting out opportunities for new ways of communicating and …
increasingly popular, setting out opportunities for new ways of communicating and …
An instrumental perspective on CSCL systems
J Lonchamp - … Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2012 - Springer
The theory of instrumental genesis of Rabardel relates the social and the technical through
the concept of instrument. An instrument is defined as a mixed entity made up by an artifact …
the concept of instrument. An instrument is defined as a mixed entity made up by an artifact …
GLUE!: An architecture for the integration of external tools in Virtual Learning Environments
The integration of external tools in Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) aims at enriching
the learning activities that educational practitioners may design and enact. This paper …
the learning activities that educational practitioners may design and enact. This paper …
Instrumental genesis in the design studio
Abstract The theory of Instrumental Genesis (IG) accounts for the mutual evolution of
artefacts and their uses, for specific purposes in specific environments. IG has been used in …
artefacts and their uses, for specific purposes in specific environments. IG has been used in …
Empowering collaboration in project-based learning using a scripted environment: lessons learned from analysing instructors' needs
NM Alharbi, RI Athauda, R Chiong - Technology, Pedagogy and …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Project-based learning (PBL) is a pedagogical approach that many higher education
programmes have incorporated. In PBL, students work in a team or group on a specific …
programmes have incorporated. In PBL, students work in a team or group on a specific …
Supporting orchestration of CSCL scenarios in web-based Distributed Learning Environments
The orchestration of technology-enhanced learning situations (especially collaborative
ones), that involve both Virtual Learning Environments and Web 2.0 tools (what some …
ones), that involve both Virtual Learning Environments and Web 2.0 tools (what some …
Generating CSCL scripts: From a conceptual model of pattern languages to the design of real scripts
E-learning environments designed for computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)
mediate social interactions as key activators of learning. However, free collaboration does …
mediate social interactions as key activators of learning. However, free collaboration does …
[PDF][PDF] Modèle de soutien à l'élaboration et à la réutilisation de scénarios pédagogiques
E Villiot-Leclercq - 2007 - papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca
Notre travail de thèse se situe dans le contexte de la recherche en EIAH (Environnements
Informatisés pour l'Apprentissage Humain), et il porte plus particulièrement sur la dimension …
Informatisés pour l'Apprentissage Humain), et il porte plus particulièrement sur la dimension …
Students' basic psychological needs satisfaction at the interface level of a computer-supported collaborative learning tool
Well-being has been considered an urgent vein of discussion in fields that intersect with
Information and Communication Technologies. In this paper, we used a questionnaire …
Information and Communication Technologies. In this paper, we used a questionnaire …