[HTML][HTML] An overview of monitoring methods for assessing the performance of nature-based solutions against natural hazards
To bring to fruition the capability of nature-based solutions (NBS) in mitigating hydro-
meteorological risks (HMRs) and facilitate their widespread uptake require a consolidated …
meteorological risks (HMRs) and facilitate their widespread uptake require a consolidated …
[HTML][HTML] Dune erosion during storm surges: A review of the observations, physics and modelling of the collision regime
Dune erosion during storm surges can lead to excessive damage to the dune system with
devastating floods as a potential consequence. A risk assessment of areas protected by …
devastating floods as a potential consequence. A risk assessment of areas protected by …
Dune reconstruction and revegetation as a potential measure to decrease coastal erosion and flooding under extreme storm conditions
The high water level and extreme waves that occur during a storm may threaten coastal
landscapes, including densely populated zones that may also suffer from erosion …
landscapes, including densely populated zones that may also suffer from erosion …
[HTML][HTML] Using high-spatial resolution UAV-derived data to evaluate vegetation and geomorphological changes on a dune field involved in a restoration endeavour
Nowadays, the employment of high-resolution Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and RGB
orthophotos has become fundamental in coastal system studies. This work aims to explore …
orthophotos has become fundamental in coastal system studies. This work aims to explore …
Three years of morphological dune development after planting marram grass on a beach
Coastal regions globally face escalating challenges from climate change, including rising
sea levels and intensified storm events. To address these threats, coastal resilience …
sea levels and intensified storm events. To address these threats, coastal resilience …
Modeling climate change adaptation for sustainable coastal zones using GIS and AHP
M Marzouk, S Azab - Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2024 - Springer
The world is currently confronting one of its biggest environmental challenges: combating
climate change. Coastal zones are one of the areas thought to be most sensitive to current …
climate change. Coastal zones are one of the areas thought to be most sensitive to current …
Below-ground biomass of plants, with a key contribution of buried shoots, increases foredune resistance to wave swash
Background and aims Sand dunes reduce the impact of storms on shorelines and human
infrastructure. The ability of these ecosystems to provide sustained coastal protection under …
infrastructure. The ability of these ecosystems to provide sustained coastal protection under …
The response of vegetated dunes to wave attack
DB Bryant, MA Bryant, JA Sharp, GL Bell, C Moore - Coastal Engineering, 2019 - Elsevier
For many coastal communities, dunes serve as the primary defense against tropical and
extratropical events. Vegetation is believed to increase the stability of dunes during wave …
extratropical events. Vegetation is believed to increase the stability of dunes during wave …
The effects of coastal dune volume and vegetation on storm-induced property damage: Analysis from Hurricane Ike
ABSTRACT Sigren, JM; Figlus, J.; Highfield, W.; Feagin, RA, and Armitage, AR, 2018. The
effects of coastal dune volume and vegetation on storm-induced property damage: Analysis …
effects of coastal dune volume and vegetation on storm-induced property damage: Analysis …
Biotic and abiotic factors governing dune response to storm events
The alongshore response of dunes to storm events can be extremely variable and,
consequently, their capacity to maintain their services, including the protection of hinterland …
consequently, their capacity to maintain their services, including the protection of hinterland …