Graph representation learning in biomedicine and healthcare
Networks—or graphs—are universal descriptors of systems of interacting elements. In
biomedicine and healthcare, they can represent, for example, molecular interactions …
biomedicine and healthcare, they can represent, for example, molecular interactions …
A comprehensive survey on deep graph representation learning
Graph representation learning aims to effectively encode high-dimensional sparse graph-
structured data into low-dimensional dense vectors, which is a fundamental task that has …
structured data into low-dimensional dense vectors, which is a fundamental task that has …
Generative models for molecular discovery: Recent advances and challenges
Abstract Development of new products often relies on the discovery of novel molecules.
While conventional molecular design involves using human expertise to propose …
While conventional molecular design involves using human expertise to propose …
Artificial intelligence foundation for therapeutic science
Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to transform therapeutic science. Therapeutics Data
Commons is an initiative to access and evaluate AI capability across therapeutic modalities …
Commons is an initiative to access and evaluate AI capability across therapeutic modalities …
Gflownet foundations
Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) have been introduced as a method to sample a
diverse set of candidates in an active learning context, with a training objective that makes …
diverse set of candidates in an active learning context, with a training objective that makes …
Flow network based generative models for non-iterative diverse candidate generation
This paper is about the problem of learning a stochastic policy for generating an object (like
a molecular graph) from a sequence of actions, such that the probability of generating an …
a molecular graph) from a sequence of actions, such that the probability of generating an …
Sample efficiency matters: a benchmark for practical molecular optimization
Molecular optimization is a fundamental goal in the chemical sciences and is of central
interest to drug and material design. In recent years, significant progress has been made in …
interest to drug and material design. In recent years, significant progress has been made in …
Therapeutics data commons: Machine learning datasets and tasks for drug discovery and development
Therapeutics machine learning is an emerging field with incredible opportunities for
innovatiaon and impact. However, advancement in this field requires formulation of …
innovatiaon and impact. However, advancement in this field requires formulation of …
Trajectory balance: Improved credit assignment in gflownets
Generative flow networks (GFlowNets) are a method for learning a stochastic policy for
generating compositional objects, such as graphs or strings, from a given unnormalized …
generating compositional objects, such as graphs or strings, from a given unnormalized …
Cf-gnnexplainer: Counterfactual explanations for graph neural networks
Given the increasing promise of graph neural networks (GNNs) in real-world applications,
several methods have been developed for explaining their predictions. Existing methods for …
several methods have been developed for explaining their predictions. Existing methods for …