Self-powered sensing in wearable electronics─ a paradigm shift technology
With the advancements in materials science and micro/nanoengineering, the field of
wearable electronics has experienced a rapid growth and significantly impacted and …
wearable electronics has experienced a rapid growth and significantly impacted and …
Flexible self-charging power sources
Power supply is one of the bottlenecks to realizing untethered wearable electronics, soft
robotics and the internet of things. Flexible self-charging power sources integrate energy …
robotics and the internet of things. Flexible self-charging power sources integrate energy …
The dynamic role of platelets in cancer progression and their therapeutic implications
Systemic antiplatelet treatment represents a promising option to improve the therapeutic
outcomes and therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy and immunotherapy due to the critical …
outcomes and therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy and immunotherapy due to the critical …
Cancer cell-mitochondria hybrid membrane coated Gboxin loaded nanomedicines for glioblastoma treatment
Glioblastoma (GBM) remains the most lethal malignant tumours. Gboxin, an oxidative
phosphorylation inhibitor, specifically restrains GBM growth by inhibiting the activity of F0F1 …
phosphorylation inhibitor, specifically restrains GBM growth by inhibiting the activity of F0F1 …
Materials consideration for the design, fabrication and operation of microscale robots
Microscale robots have been the focus of extensive research efforts resulting in various
innovative developments that broaden their capabilities and applications. The rational …
innovative developments that broaden their capabilities and applications. The rational …
Dual-responsive biohybrid neutrobots for active target delivery
Swimming biohybrid microsized robots (eg, bacteria-or sperm-driven microrobots) with self-
propelling and navigating capabilities have become an exciting field of research, thanks to …
propelling and navigating capabilities have become an exciting field of research, thanks to …
3D-printed microrobots from design to translation
Microrobots have attracted the attention of scientists owing to their unique features to
accomplish tasks in hard-to-reach sites in the human body. Microrobots can be precisely …
accomplish tasks in hard-to-reach sites in the human body. Microrobots can be precisely …
Recent nanotechnologies to overcome the bacterial biofilm matrix barriers
Bacterial biofilm‐related infectious diseases severely influence human health. Under typical
situations, pathogens can colonize inert or biological surfaces and form biofilms. Biofilms are …
situations, pathogens can colonize inert or biological surfaces and form biofilms. Biofilms are …
Trends in micro‐/nanorobotics: materials development, actuation, localization, and system integration for biomedical applications
Abstract Micro‐/nanorobots (m‐bots) have attracted significant interest due to their suitability
for applications in biomedical engineering and environmental remediation. Particularly, their …
for applications in biomedical engineering and environmental remediation. Particularly, their …
Endoscopy-assisted magnetic navigation of biohybrid soft microrobots with rapid endoluminal delivery and imaging
High-precision delivery of microrobots at the whole-body scale is of considerable
importance for efforts toward targeted therapeutic intervention. However, vision-based …
importance for efforts toward targeted therapeutic intervention. However, vision-based …