Lower Silurianhot shales' in North Africa and Arabia: regional distribution and depositional model
S Lüning, J Craig, DK Loydell, P Štorch, B Fitches - Earth-Science Reviews, 2000 - Elsevier
Lowermost Silurian organic-rich (hot') shales are the origin of 80–90% of Palaeozoic
sourced hydrocarbons in North Africa and also played a major role in petroleum generation …
sourced hydrocarbons in North Africa and also played a major role in petroleum generation …
Mesozoic rifting and basin inversion along the northern African Tethyan margin: an overview
R Guiraud - Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 1998 - lyellcollection.org
Abstract The northern African Tethyan margin registered three major rifting episodes from
the latest Palaeozoic-earliest Mesozoic to the earliest Cenozoic. Break-up of Gondwana was …
the latest Palaeozoic-earliest Mesozoic to the earliest Cenozoic. Break-up of Gondwana was …
The Karoo basins of south-central Africa
O Catuneanu, H Wopfner, PG Eriksson… - Journal of African Earth …, 2005 - Elsevier
The Karoo basins of south-central Africa evolved during the first-order cycle of
supercontinent assembly and breakup of Pangea, under the influence of two distinct tectonic …
supercontinent assembly and breakup of Pangea, under the influence of two distinct tectonic …
[BOK][B] Petroleum geology of Libya
D Hallett, D Clark-Lowes - 2017 - books.google.com
Petroleum Geology of Libya, Second Edition, systematically reviews the exploration history,
plate tectonics, structural evolution, stratigraphy, geochemistry and petroleum systems of …
plate tectonics, structural evolution, stratigraphy, geochemistry and petroleum systems of …
Maastrichtian to Paleocene depositional environment of the Dakhla Formation, Western Desert, Egypt: sedimentology, mineralogy, and integrated micro-and …
AA Tantawy, G Keller, T Adatte, W Stinnesbeck… - Cretaceous …, 2001 - Elsevier
Integrated sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and microfossil and macrofossil
biostratigraphies of the Maastrichtian–early Paleocene Dakhla Formation of the Western …
biostratigraphies of the Maastrichtian–early Paleocene Dakhla Formation of the Western …
Palynology (pollen, spores and dinoflagellates) and Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Dakhla Oasis, central Egypt
E Schrank, MS Mahmoud - Journal of African Earth Sciences, 1998 - Elsevier
A re-assessment of the Cretaceous succession in the Dakhla area, central Egypt, is
presented on the basis of new palynological evidence from the Six Hills and Maghrabi …
presented on the basis of new palynological evidence from the Six Hills and Maghrabi …
Paleoclimatic implications of late Quaternary lacustrine sediments in western Nubia, Sudan
HJ Pachur, P Hoelzmann - Quaternary Research, 1991 - cambridge.org
Owing to the hypercontinental location of Western Nubia, secular fluctuations of climate
have been filtered and wet phases can be considered as representative of conditions …
have been filtered and wet phases can be considered as representative of conditions …
Geo-environmental impacts of hydrogeological setting and anthropogenic activities on water quality in the Quaternary aquifer southeast of the Nile Delta, Egypt
Water resources in the Nile Delta have been subjected to ongoing deterioration in quality
and quantity as a result of decreasing Nile water flux, poorly managed groundwater …
and quantity as a result of decreasing Nile water flux, poorly managed groundwater …
A model for the three-dimensional evolution of continental rift basins, north-east Africa
W Bosworth - Geologische Rundschau, 1994 - Springer
Large areas of north-east Africa were dominated by regional extension in the Late
Phanerozoic. Widespread rifting occurred in the Late Jurassic, with regional extension …
Phanerozoic. Widespread rifting occurred in the Late Jurassic, with regional extension …
Paleozoic and Mesozoic geological history of northeastern Africa based upon new interpretation of Nubian strata
EH Klitzsch, CH Squyres - AAPG bulletin, 1990 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The Nubia terrain in southern Egypt and northern Sudan is the type area for strata of mainly
Cretaceous age. Because “Nubian Sandstone” or “Nubian Formation” or similar terms were …
Cretaceous age. Because “Nubian Sandstone” or “Nubian Formation” or similar terms were …