Lower Silurianhot shales' in North Africa and Arabia: regional distribution and depositional model

S Lüning, J Craig, DK Loydell, P Štorch, B Fitches - Earth-Science Reviews, 2000 - Elsevier
Lowermost Silurian organic-rich (hot') shales are the origin of 80–90% of Palaeozoic
sourced hydrocarbons in North Africa and also played a major role in petroleum generation …

Mesozoic rifting and basin inversion along the northern African Tethyan margin: an overview

R Guiraud - Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 1998 - lyellcollection.org
Abstract The northern African Tethyan margin registered three major rifting episodes from
the latest Palaeozoic-earliest Mesozoic to the earliest Cenozoic. Break-up of Gondwana was …

The Karoo basins of south-central Africa

O Catuneanu, H Wopfner, PG Eriksson… - Journal of African Earth …, 2005 - Elsevier
The Karoo basins of south-central Africa evolved during the first-order cycle of
supercontinent assembly and breakup of Pangea, under the influence of two distinct tectonic …

[BOK][B] Petroleum geology of Libya

D Hallett, D Clark-Lowes - 2017 - books.google.com
Petroleum Geology of Libya, Second Edition, systematically reviews the exploration history,
plate tectonics, structural evolution, stratigraphy, geochemistry and petroleum systems of …

Maastrichtian to Paleocene depositional environment of the Dakhla Formation, Western Desert, Egypt: sedimentology, mineralogy, and integrated micro-and …

AA Tantawy, G Keller, T Adatte, W Stinnesbeck… - Cretaceous …, 2001 - Elsevier
Integrated sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and microfossil and macrofossil
biostratigraphies of the Maastrichtian–early Paleocene Dakhla Formation of the Western …

Palynology (pollen, spores and dinoflagellates) and Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Dakhla Oasis, central Egypt

E Schrank, MS Mahmoud - Journal of African Earth Sciences, 1998 - Elsevier
A re-assessment of the Cretaceous succession in the Dakhla area, central Egypt, is
presented on the basis of new palynological evidence from the Six Hills and Maghrabi …

Paleoclimatic implications of late Quaternary lacustrine sediments in western Nubia, Sudan

HJ Pachur, P Hoelzmann - Quaternary Research, 1991 - cambridge.org
Owing to the hypercontinental location of Western Nubia, secular fluctuations of climate
have been filtered and wet phases can be considered as representative of conditions …

Geo-environmental impacts of hydrogeological setting and anthropogenic activities on water quality in the Quaternary aquifer southeast of the Nile Delta, Egypt

D Hegazy, AZ Abotalib, M El-Bastaweesy… - Journal of African Earth …, 2020 - Elsevier
Water resources in the Nile Delta have been subjected to ongoing deterioration in quality
and quantity as a result of decreasing Nile water flux, poorly managed groundwater …

A model for the three-dimensional evolution of continental rift basins, north-east Africa

W Bosworth - Geologische Rundschau, 1994 - Springer
Large areas of north-east Africa were dominated by regional extension in the Late
Phanerozoic. Widespread rifting occurred in the Late Jurassic, with regional extension …

Paleozoic and Mesozoic geological history of northeastern Africa based upon new interpretation of Nubian strata

EH Klitzsch, CH Squyres - AAPG bulletin, 1990 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The Nubia terrain in southern Egypt and northern Sudan is the type area for strata of mainly
Cretaceous age. Because “Nubian Sandstone” or “Nubian Formation” or similar terms were …