Impossible Neanderthals? Making string, throwing projectiles and catching small game during Marine Isotope Stage 4 (Abri du Maras, France)
Neanderthal behavior is often described in one of two contradictory ways: 1) Neanderthals
were behaviorally inflexible and specialized in large game hunting or 2) Neanderthals …
were behaviorally inflexible and specialized in large game hunting or 2) Neanderthals …
To meat or not to meat? New perspectives on N eanderthal ecology
Neanderthals have been commonly depicted as top predators who met their nutritional
needs by focusing entirely on meat. This information mostly derives from faunal assemblage …
needs by focusing entirely on meat. This information mostly derives from faunal assemblage …
Neanderthal coexistence with Homo sapiens in Europe was affected by herbivore carrying capacity
It has been proposed that climate change and the arrival of modern humans in Europe
affected the disappearance of Neanderthals due to their impact on trophic resources; …
affected the disappearance of Neanderthals due to their impact on trophic resources; …
Neanderthal diets in central and southeastern Mediterranean Iberia
During recent decades, Neanderthal diet has been a major research topic in
palaeoanthropology. This has been accelerated by the maturation of different techniques …
palaeoanthropology. This has been accelerated by the maturation of different techniques …
[CARTE][B] Hunting wildlife in the tropics and subtropics
The hunting of wild animals for their meat has been a crucial activity in the evolution of
humans. It continues to be an essential source of food and a generator of income for millions …
humans. It continues to be an essential source of food and a generator of income for millions …
An emerging consensus in palaeoanthropology: demography was the main factor responsible for the disappearance of Neanderthals
The causes of Neanderthal disappearance about 40,000 years ago remain highly contested.
Over a dozen serious hypotheses are currently endorsed to explain this enigmatic event …
Over a dozen serious hypotheses are currently endorsed to explain this enigmatic event …
Cultural and biological transformations in the Middle Pleistocene Levant: a view from Qesem Cave, Israel
R Barkai, A Gopher - Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern …, 2013 - Springer
In this paper we present our interpretation about the circumstances leading towards an
evolutionary replacement of the earliest populations of the Levant, most probably Homo …
evolutionary replacement of the earliest populations of the Levant, most probably Homo …
On the ecological context of the earliest human settlements in Europe: resource availability and competition intensity in the carnivore guild of Barranco León-D and …
With an age of∼ 1.4 Ma, the Early Pleistocene archaeopaleontological sites of Barranco
León and Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce, Baza Basin, SE Spain) provide the oldest evidence on …
León and Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce, Baza Basin, SE Spain) provide the oldest evidence on …
Lynxes and foxes among hyenas, bears and humans. Unit 3 of the Cova del coll Verdaguer Upper Pleistocene site (Barcelona, Iberian Peninsula)
Zooarchaeological and palaeontological assemblages, especially those located in karst
cavities, are usually the product of the activity of several taphonomic biological agents. This …
cavities, are usually the product of the activity of several taphonomic biological agents. This …
European Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758)
This comprehensive species-specific chapter covers all aspects of the mammalian biology,
including paleontology, physiology, genetics, reproduction and development, ecology …
including paleontology, physiology, genetics, reproduction and development, ecology …