Protest and political opportunities
DS Meyer - Annu. Rev. Sociol., 2004 - annualreviews.org
I review the development of the political opportunity or political process perspective, which
has animated a great deal of research on social movements. The essential insight—that the …
has animated a great deal of research on social movements. The essential insight—that the …
Conceptualizing political opportunity
This article reviews central problems in political opportunity theory and explores the
implications of adopting certain conceptualizations of political opportunities for explaining …
implications of adopting certain conceptualizations of political opportunities for explaining …
The Pandemic is a battlefield. Social movements in the COVID-19 lockdown
G Pleyers - Journal of civil society, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines ways in which social movements have been impacted and responded
in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Between March and May 2020, lockdown measures put …
in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Between March and May 2020, lockdown measures put …
[KNYGA][B] Social movements in times of austerity: Bringing capitalism back into protest analysis
D Della Porta - 2015 - books.google.com
Recent years have seen an enormous increase in protests across the world in which citizens
have challenged what they see as a deterioration of democratic institutions and the very …
have challenged what they see as a deterioration of democratic institutions and the very …
[KNYGA][B] Digital labour and karl marx
C Fuchs - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
How is labour changing in the age of computers, the Internet, and" social media" such as
Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter? In Digital Labour and Karl Marx, Christian Fuchs …
Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter? In Digital Labour and Karl Marx, Christian Fuchs …
Building bridges: Social movements and civil society in times of crisis
D Della Porta - VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and …, 2020 - Springer
Social movement studies and studies on civil society and, related to them, studies on
voluntarism and the third sector, are burgeoning fields of knowledge, which have, however …
voluntarism and the third sector, are burgeoning fields of knowledge, which have, however …
[KNYGA][B] Social movements
D Della Porta, M Diani - 1999 - torrossa.com
In Europe, as in the rest of the Western world, scholarly interest in social movements
developed with the wave of protest that, in the late sixties, shook confidence in the 'end of …
developed with the wave of protest that, in the late sixties, shook confidence in the 'end of …
[KNYGA][B] Contentious politics
C Tilly, SG Tarrow - 2015 - books.google.com
Revolutions, social movements, religious and ethnic conflict, nationalism and civil rights, and
transnational movements: these forms of contentious politics combine in Charles Tilly's and …
transnational movements: these forms of contentious politics combine in Charles Tilly's and …
[KNYGA][B] New social movements in Western Europe: A comparative analysis
H Kriesi - 1995 - books.google.com
Shows how social change affects political mobilization indirectly through the restructuring of
existing power relations, comparing the impact of the ecology, gay rights, peace, and …
existing power relations, comparing the impact of the ecology, gay rights, peace, and …
[KNYGA][B] Alter-globalization: Becoming actors in a global age
G Pleyers - 2010 - books.google.com
Contrary to the common view that globalization undermines social agency,'alter-
globalization activists' or have contested globalization in its neo-liberal form and have …
globalization activists' or have contested globalization in its neo-liberal form and have …