Where language meets attention: How contingent interactions promote learning
Contingent interactions between caregivers and infants, in which caregivers respond
promptly and meaningfully to infants' behaviors, lay a foundation for language learning …
promptly and meaningfully to infants' behaviors, lay a foundation for language learning …
Common ground and development
Abstract Language and other forms of communication are inherently ambiguous and
therefore require some form of common ground to specify the intended meanings of …
therefore require some form of common ground to specify the intended meanings of …
Multimodal parent behaviors within joint attention support sustained attention in infants.
Parents support and scaffold more mature behaviors in their infants. Recent research
suggests that parent–infant joint visual attention may scaffold the development of sustained …
suggests that parent–infant joint visual attention may scaffold the development of sustained …
Cognitive science in the era of artificial intelligence: A roadmap for reverse-engineering the infant language-learner
E Dupoux - Cognition, 2018 - Elsevier
Spectacular progress in the information processing sciences (machine learning, wearable
sensors) promises to revolutionize the study of cognitive development. Here, we analyse the …
sensors) promises to revolutionize the study of cognitive development. Here, we analyse the …
Cascades in language acquisition: Re-thinking the linear model of development
The first 5 years of life are characterized by incredible growth across domains of child
development. Drawing from over 50 years of seminal research, this chapter contextualizes …
development. Drawing from over 50 years of seminal research, this chapter contextualizes …
Looking is not enough: Multimodal attention supports the real‐time learning of new words
Most research on early language learning focuses on the objects that infants see and the
words they hear in their daily lives, although growing evidence suggests that motor …
words they hear in their daily lives, although growing evidence suggests that motor …
From play to language: Infants' actions on objects cascade to word learning
C Suarez‐Rivera, E Linn… - Language …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Infants build knowledge by acting on the world. We conducted an ecologically grounded test
of an embodied learning hypothesis: that infants' active engagement with objects in the …
of an embodied learning hypothesis: that infants' active engagement with objects in the …
The infant's view redefines the problem of referential uncertainty in early word learning
The learning of first object names is deemed a hard problem due to the uncertainty inherent
in map** a heard name to the intended referent in a cluttered and variable world …
in map** a heard name to the intended referent in a cluttered and variable world …
Revisiting how we operationalize joint attention
Parent-child interactions support the development of a wide range of socio-cognitive abilities
in young children. As infants become increasingly mobile, the nature of these interactions …
in young children. As infants become increasingly mobile, the nature of these interactions …
The role of vision in the acquisition of words: Vocabulary development in blind toddlers
What is vision's role in driving early word production? To answer this, we assessed parent‐
report vocabulary questionnaires administered to congenitally blind children (N= 40, Mean …
report vocabulary questionnaires administered to congenitally blind children (N= 40, Mean …