A Quality of Experience and Visual Attention Evaluation for 360 videos with non-spatial and spatial audio

A Hirway, Y Qiao, N Murray - ACM Transactions on Multimedia …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
This article presents the results of an empirical study that aimed to investigate the influence
of various types of audio (spatial and non-spatial) on the user quality of experience (QoE) of …

[PDF][PDF] Art in noise: An embodied simulation account of cinematic sound design

MS Ward - 2020 - researchprofiles.canberra.edu.au
Sound and moving pictures share over a century of entwined history yet the dominant visual
narrative accounts of cinematic sound lack explanatory power. This thesis responds by …

Designing a Voice Intelligent Agent: A Review and Appraisal

X Ji, J Zhao, PLP Rau - Human-Automation Interaction: Mobile Computing, 2022 - Springer
This paper presents a comprehensive literature review of the key elements for designing a
voice intelligent agent. The design problems and guidelines concerning input, functions …

The influence of dynamic content on visual attention during television commercials

B Wooley - 2015 - researchportal.murdoch.edu.au
The way in which humans visually comprehend dynamic stimuli is largely unexplored,
however, understanding this process is crucial in order to better inform existing eye …

On-Beat/Off-Beat: Visual Responses to Audio-Visual Asynchrony in Music Videos

T Swenberg, S Carlgren - Projections, 2021 - berghahnjournals.com
Audio-visual rhythm can be achieved in a variety of ways, in film as well as in music videos.
Here, we have studied human visual responses to video editing with regard to musical …

[PDF][PDF] Relationship between ad elements, recall and likeability in short Youtube ads

L Suurkivi - 2019 - core.ac.uk
In this study, the relationship between ad elements, ad recall and likeability was
investigated. Six short video advertisements were shown to 35 participants and their …

Unique Object Characteristics Differentially Affect Visual Attention During Viewing of Dynamic Stimuli: The Influence of Location and Luminosity

BE Wooley, DS March - Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction …, 2016 - Springer
Understanding which characteristics of dynamic stimuli affect visual attention is crucial to
usability research. We explored how object location and object luminosity differentially affect …