Entangled mechanical oscillators

JD Jost, JP Home, JM Amini, D Hanneke, R Ozeri… - Nature, 2009 - nature.com
Hallmarks of quantum mechanics include superposition and entanglement. In the context of
large complex systems, these features should lead to situations as envisaged in the …

High fidelity readout of trapped ion qubits

A Burrell - 2010 - ora.ox.ac.uk
This thesis describes experimental demonstrations of high-fidelity readout of trapped ion
quantum bits (" qubits") for quantum information processing. We present direct single-shot …

High fidelity readout and protection of a 43Ca+ trapped ion qubit

D Szwer - 2009 - ora.ox.ac.uk
This thesis describes theoretical and experimental work whose main aim is the development
of techniques for using trapped 43 Ca⁺ ions for quantum information processing. I present a …

Applications of Coulomb crystals in cold chemistry

A Gingell, AD Gingell - 2010 - ora.ox.ac.uk
This thesis describes the study of a range of ion-molecule reactions at very low collision
energies using a newly developed experimental technique which involves the reaction of …

Hybrid multicanonical cluster algorithm for efficient simulations of long-range spin models

S Reynal, HT Diep - Computer physics communications, 2005 - Elsevier
An efficient, flat histogram Monte Carlo algorithm is proposed that simulates long-range spin
models in the multicanonical ensemble with very low dynamic exponents and drastically …

[PDF][PDF] Background-free detection and mixed-species crystals in micro-and macroscopic ion-traps for scalable QIP

NM Linke - 2012 - ora.ox.ac.uk
Scalability and the implementation of fault tolerant quantum gates are the two main
challenges which must be overcome in order to unlock the vast potential of quantum …

Ions calcium uniques pour un étalon de fréquence optique

C Lisowski - 2005 - theses.hal.science
Cette thèse s' inscrit dans un projet visant à réaliser un étalon de fréquence optique à ion
calcium unique confiné dans un piège de Paul-Straubel. La première partie du manuscrit est …

Experiment Characterization

CJ Ballance, CJ Ballance - High-Fidelity Quantum Logic in Ca+, 2017 - Springer
Experiment Characterization | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement Springer
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[CITARE][C] Entanglement of two trapped-ion spin quibits

J Home - 2006 - University of Oxford

[CITARE][C] Raman sideband cooling and coherent manipulation of trapped ions

S Webster - 2005 - University of Oxford