Global convergence of Langevin dynamics based algorithms for nonconvex optimization
We present a unified framework to analyze the global convergence of Langevin dynamics
based algorithms for nonconvex finite-sum optimization with $ n $ component functions. At …
based algorithms for nonconvex finite-sum optimization with $ n $ component functions. At …
Structured logconcave sampling with a restricted Gaussian oracle
We give algorithms for sampling several structured logconcave families to high accuracy.
We further develop a reduction framework, inspired by proximal point methods in convex …
We further develop a reduction framework, inspired by proximal point methods in convex …
Convergence of mean-field Langevin dynamics: time-space discretization, stochastic gradient, and variance reduction
The mean-field Langevin dynamics (MFLD) is a nonlinear generalization of the Langevin
dynamics that incorporates a distribution-dependent drift, and it naturally arises from the …
dynamics that incorporates a distribution-dependent drift, and it naturally arises from the …
Provable and practical: Efficient exploration in reinforcement learning via langevin monte carlo
We present a scalable and effective exploration strategy based on Thompson sampling for
reinforcement learning (RL). One of the key shortcomings of existing Thompson sampling …
reinforcement learning (RL). One of the key shortcomings of existing Thompson sampling …
Accelerating approximate thompson sampling with underdamped langevin monte carlo
Abstract Approximate Thompson sampling with Langevin Monte Carlo broadens its reach
from Gaussian posterior sampling to encompass more general smooth posteriors. However …
from Gaussian posterior sampling to encompass more general smooth posteriors. However …
Improved convergence rate of stochastic gradient langevin dynamics with variance reduction and its application to optimization
Y Kinoshita, T Suzuki - Advances in Neural Information …, 2022 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Abstract The stochastic gradient Langevin Dynamics is one of the most fundamental
algorithms to solve sampling problems and non-convex optimization appearing in several …
algorithms to solve sampling problems and non-convex optimization appearing in several …
Accelerating nonconvex learning via replica exchange Langevin diffusion
Langevin diffusion is a powerful method for nonconvex optimization, which enables the
escape from local minima by injecting noise into the gradient. In particular, the temperature …
escape from local minima by injecting noise into the gradient. In particular, the temperature …
On the convergence of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with stochastic gradients
Abstract Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), built based on the Hamilton's equation, has been
witnessed great success in sampling from high-dimensional posterior distributions …
witnessed great success in sampling from high-dimensional posterior distributions …
Decentralized stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics and Hamiltonian monte carlo
Stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) and stochastic gradient Hamiltonian Monte
Carlo (SGHMC) are two popular Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for …
Carlo (SGHMC) are two popular Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for …
Stochastic gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods with recursive variance reduction
Abstract Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (SGHMC) algorithms have received
increasing attention in both theory and practice. In this paper, we propose a Stochastic …
increasing attention in both theory and practice. In this paper, we propose a Stochastic …