Natural products of pentacyclic triterpenoids: from discovery to heterologous biosynthesis
Y Li, J Wang, L Li, W Song, M Li, X Hua, Y Wang… - Natural product …, 2023 -
Covering: up to 2022 Pentacyclic triterpenoids are important natural bioactive substances
that are widely present in plants and fungi. They have significant medicinal efficacy, play an …
that are widely present in plants and fungi. They have significant medicinal efficacy, play an …
A century of studying plant secondary metabolism—From “what?” to “where, how, and why?”
RA Dixon, AJ Dickinson - Plant Physiology, 2024 -
Over the past century, early advances in understanding the identity of the chemicals that
collectively form a living plant have led scientists to deeper investigations exploring where …
collectively form a living plant have led scientists to deeper investigations exploring where …
Elucidation of the pathway for biosynthesis of saponin adjuvants from the soapbark tree
The Chilean soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria) produces soap-like molecules called QS
saponins that are important vaccine adjuvants. These highly valuable compounds are …
saponins that are important vaccine adjuvants. These highly valuable compounds are …
Advances in biosynthesis, regulation, and metabolic engineering of plant specialized terpenoids
Plant specialized terpenoids are natural products that have no obvious role in growth and
development, but play many important functional roles to improve the plant's overall fitness …
development, but play many important functional roles to improve the plant's overall fitness …
Recent advances in triterpenoid pathway elucidation and engineering
Triterpenoids are among the most assorted class of specialized metabolites found in all the
taxa of living organisms. Triterpenoids are the leading active ingredients sourced from plant …
taxa of living organisms. Triterpenoids are the leading active ingredients sourced from plant …
Characterization of the horse chestnut genome reveals the evolution of aescin and aesculin biosynthesis
Horse chestnut (Aesculus chinensis) is an important medicinal tree that contains various
bioactive compounds, such as aescin, barrigenol-type triterpenoid saponins (BAT), and …
bioactive compounds, such as aescin, barrigenol-type triterpenoid saponins (BAT), and …
Reshuffling of the ancestral core-eudicot genome shaped chromatin topology and epigenetic modification in Panax
ZH Wang, XF Wang, T Lu, MR Li, P Jiang… - Nature …, 2022 -
All extant core-eudicot plants share a common ancestral genome that has experienced
cyclic polyploidizations and (re) diploidizations. Reshuffling of the ancestral core-eudicot …
cyclic polyploidizations and (re) diploidizations. Reshuffling of the ancestral core-eudicot …
Using synthetic biology to understand the function of plant specialized metabolites
Y Bai, X Liu, IT Baldwin - Annual Review of Plant Biology, 2024 -
Plant specialized metabolites (PSMs) are variably distributed across taxa, tissues, and
ecological contexts; this variability has inspired many theories about PSM function, which to …
ecological contexts; this variability has inspired many theories about PSM function, which to …
Elucidation of the biosynthesis of asiaticoside and its reconstitution in yeast
X Zhao, W Wei, S Li, S Gao, S Liu… - ACS Sustainable …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Asiaticoside is a triterpenoid in Centella asiatica with wound healing and anti-inflammatory
activities. De novo production of asiaticoside remains incompletely resolved. To determine …
activities. De novo production of asiaticoside remains incompletely resolved. To determine …
[HTML][HTML] A translational synthetic biology platform for rapid access to gram-scale quantities of novel drug-like molecules
Plants are an excellent source of drug leads. However availability is limited by access to
source species, low abundance and recalcitrance to chemical synthesis. Although plant …
source species, low abundance and recalcitrance to chemical synthesis. Although plant …