Assessment and map** of groundwater vulnerability to pollution: Current status and challenges
Increasing groundwater contamination across the globe triggered the concept of “aquifer
vulnerability”, which has been extensively used worldwide during past three to four decades …
vulnerability”, which has been extensively used worldwide during past three to four decades …
A review on natural and human-induced geohazards and impacts in karst
Karst environments are characterized by distinctive landforms related to dissolution and a
dominant subsurface drainage. The direct connection between the surface and the …
dominant subsurface drainage. The direct connection between the surface and the …
[PDF][PDF] Contribution of geophysical methods to karst-system exploration: an overview
The karst environment is one of the most challenging in terms of groundwater, engineering
and environmental issues. Geophysical methods can provide useful subsurface information …
and environmental issues. Geophysical methods can provide useful subsurface information …
A comprehensive review of groundwater vulnerability assessment using index-based, modelling, and coupling methods
Groundwater has become increasingly vulnerable to quality degradation. An elaborate
understanding of its flow, draft, recharge and pollutant transport processes needs to be …
understanding of its flow, draft, recharge and pollutant transport processes needs to be …
Index-based groundwater vulnerability map** models using hydrogeological settings: a critical evaluation
Groundwater vulnerability maps are useful for decision making in land use planning and
water resource management. This paper reviews the various groundwater vulnerability …
water resource management. This paper reviews the various groundwater vulnerability …
Structural classification, discharge statistics, and recession analysis from the springs of the Gran Sasso (Italy) carbonate aquifer; comparison with selected analogues …
The relative importance of karst conduits and fractures in driving groundwater flow affects
the discharge of springs and the long-term availability of water resources. Applying statistics …
the discharge of springs and the long-term availability of water resources. Applying statistics …
Geomorphology and natural hazards in karst areas: a review
Since human beings started to colonise the world, slowly migrating (in multiple directions)
from the African Rift and ultimately reaching the southernmost territories of the Americas …
from the African Rift and ultimately reaching the southernmost territories of the Americas …
Spatial evaluation of groundwater vulnerability using the DRASTIC-L model with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and GIS approaches in Edo State, Nigeria
The drinking of contaminated water is potentially hazardous to the well-being of humanity.
Effective groundwater management depends on detecting groundwater contamination …
Effective groundwater management depends on detecting groundwater contamination …
Recent advances in karst research: from theory to fieldwork and applications
Karst landscapes and karst aquifers, which are composed of a variety of soluble rocks such
as salt, gypsum, anhydrite, limestone, dolomite and quartzite, are fascinating areas of study …
as salt, gypsum, anhydrite, limestone, dolomite and quartzite, are fascinating areas of study …
Hydrogeological investigations and groundwater vulnerability assessment and map** for groundwater resource protection and management: state of the art and a …
I Chenini, A Zghibi, L Kouzana - Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2015 - Elsevier
The available literature was used in this work to review the methodologies for groundwater
vulnerability map**. The objective of the literature review was to define the vulnerability …
vulnerability map**. The objective of the literature review was to define the vulnerability …