Novel 2D MBenes-synthesis, structure, properties with excellent performance in energy conversion and storage: A review
Since the last century, the abundance of MXenes, two-dimensional (2D) transition-metallic
carbides/nitrides isolated from multilayer MAX states, has gained considerable attention in …
carbides/nitrides isolated from multilayer MAX states, has gained considerable attention in …
[HTML][HTML] Recent developments in the PySCF program package
P y SCF is a Python-based general-purpose electronic structure platform that supports first-
principles simulations of molecules and solids as well as accelerates the development of …
principles simulations of molecules and solids as well as accelerates the development of …
Revealing the Multifunctions of Li3N in the Suspension Electrolyte for Lithium Metal Batteries
Inorganic-rich solid-electrolyte interphases (SEIs) on Li metal anodes improve the
electrochemical performance of Li metal batteries (LMBs). Therefore, a fundamental …
electrochemical performance of Li metal batteries (LMBs). Therefore, a fundamental …
Dynamic electrochromism for all-season radiative thermoregulation
Radiative thermoregulation can reduce the energy consumption for heating, ventilation and
air-conditioning (HVAC) in buildings, and therefore contribute substantially to climate …
air-conditioning (HVAC) in buildings, and therefore contribute substantially to climate …
Aqueous alternating electrolysis prolongs electrode lifespans under harsh operation conditions
J Liang, J Li, H Dong, Z Li, X He, Y Wang, Y Yao… - Nature …, 2024 -
It is vital to explore effective ways for prolonging electrode lifespans under harsh electrolysis
conditions, such as high current densities, acid environment, and impure water source. Here …
conditions, such as high current densities, acid environment, and impure water source. Here …
[HTML][HTML] GPAW: An open Python package for electronic structure calculations
We review the GPAW open-source Python package for electronic structure calculations.
GPAW is based on the projector-augmented wave method and can solve the self-consistent …
GPAW is based on the projector-augmented wave method and can solve the self-consistent …
Suspension electrolyte with modified Li+ solvation environment for lithium metal batteries
Designing a stable solid–electrolyte interphase on a Li anode is imperative to develo**
reliable Li metal batteries. Herein, we report a suspension electrolyte design that modifies …
reliable Li metal batteries. Herein, we report a suspension electrolyte design that modifies …
Direct correlation between void formation and lithium dendrite growth in solid-state electrolytes with interlayers
Solid-state Li-ion batteries with lithium anodes offer higher energy densities and are safer
than conventional liquid electrolyte-based Li-ion batteries. However, the growth of lithium …
than conventional liquid electrolyte-based Li-ion batteries. However, the growth of lithium …
Architecting the AuPt alloys for hydrazine oxidation as an anolyte in fuel cell: Comparative analysis of hydrazine splitting and water splitting for energy-saving H2 …
Replacing the kinetically sluggish anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) with hydrazine (N
2 H 4) oxidation reaction (HzOR) could be the effective approach for achieving energy …
2 H 4) oxidation reaction (HzOR) could be the effective approach for achieving energy …
Low-temperature non-equilibrium synthesis of anisotropic multimetallic nanosurface alloys for electrochemical CO2 reduction
Multimetallic nanoparticles are of interest as functional materials due to their highly tunable
properties. However, synthesizing congruent mixtures of immiscible components is limited …
properties. However, synthesizing congruent mixtures of immiscible components is limited …