Analysis and design of non-linear seismic isolation systems for building structures—An overview

YP Zhu, ZQ Lang, K Fujita, I Takewaki - Frontiers in Built Environment, 2023 -
In this paper, the development of non-linear building isolation systems is overviewed. The
study summarizes commonly used linear building isolation systems in two categories, which …

Non-linear time domain analysis of base isolated multi-storey building under site specific bi-directional seismic loading

ABMS Islam, RR Hussain, M Jameel… - Automation in construction, 2012 - Elsevier
The incorporation of base isolation in building construction in the region of medium risk
seismicity is now an important issue. Thorough investigation is needed for buildings located …

Assessment of seismic hazard including equivalent-linear soil response analysis for Dhaka Metropolitan Region, Bangladesh

M Mojarab, N Norouzi, M Bayati, Z Asadi, M Eslami… - Natural Hazards, 2023 - Springer
Dhaka is one of the most populated cities in the world, which means that the occurrence of
natural hazards will put the city in a critical situation. A seismic hazard analysis (SHA) is a …

Nonlinear dynamically automated excursions for rubber-steel bearing isolation in multi-storey construction

ABMS Islam, RR Hussain, MZ Jumaat… - Automation in …, 2013 - Elsevier
Conventional building design includes the concept of providing more stiff structural solution
to withstand the lateral seismic loading. Introduction of flexible elements at the base of a …

Engineering cementitious composite as seismic isolation: a review of its application as bendable concrete

F Cayanan, OG Dela Cruz, JM Jacinto… - … on Geosynthetics and …, 2023 - Springer
By using high-ductile matrix material instead of just adding more reinforcement, Engineered
Cementitious Composites (ECC) offers an alternate method of improving the ductility of …

Seismic Base Isolation for buildings in regions of low to moderate seismicity: practical alternative design

ABMS Islam, SI Ahmad, M Jameel… - Practice Periodical on …, 2012 -
Although Dhaka city has experienced any moderate to large earthquakes in the past, some
recent ground shakings are certainly indications of its earthquake source and vulnerability …

Design approach of high dam** rubber bearing for seismic isolation

PLY Tiong, JM Kelly, TT Or - Smart Structures and Systems, An …, 2017 -
Structural control through seismic isolation using elastomeric rubber bearing, which is also
known as High Dam** Rubber Bearing (HDRB), has seen an increase in use to provide …

Nonlinear Time History Analysis for Seismic Effects on Reinforced Concrete Building

A Hasan, KIM Iqbal, S Ahammed, A Ghosh - Nigerian Journal of …, 2022 -
Abstract A typical Reinforced Concrete (RC) building frame comprising of RC columns and
connecting beams that participates in resisting the earthquake forces. Due to earthquake …

[PDF][PDF] Design of RC building with LRB isolator as per BNBC 2020 provisions

PR Saha, TR Hossain - Proceedings of the 6 th International …, 2022 -
Bangladesh is in a high-risk earthquake zone geographically. Although earthquake
prevention is impossible, earthquake damage can be minimized. A base isolation system …

[PDF][PDF] Competent building elevation for incorporating base isolation in aseismic structure

ABM Islam, M Jameel, MA Uddin… - Procedia …, 2012 -
The predominant lateral loads acting upon building structures are earthquake and wind
induced forces. If wind load is much greater than earthquake load, the lateral force resisting …