Statistical modelling of extreme ocean environments for marine design: a review
P Jonathan, K Ewans - Ocean Engineering, 2013 - Elsevier
We review aspects of extreme value modelling relevant to characterisation of ocean
environments and the design of marine structures, summarising basic concepts, modelling …
environments and the design of marine structures, summarising basic concepts, modelling …
[SÁCH][B] Fuzzy randomness: uncertainty in civil engineering and computational mechanics
B Möller, M Beer - 2013 - books.google.com
sections dealing with fuzzy functions and fuzzy random functions are certain to be of special
interest. The reader is expected to be in command of the knowledge gained in a basic …
interest. The reader is expected to be in command of the knowledge gained in a basic …
Parameter estimation of the generalized Pareto distribution—Part I
P de Zea Bermudez, S Kotz - Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010 - Elsevier
The generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) has been widely used in the extreme value
framework. The success of the GPD when applied to real data sets depends substantially on …
framework. The success of the GPD when applied to real data sets depends substantially on …
Stochastic generation of hourly mean wind speed data
Use of wind speed data is of great importance in civil engineering, especially in structural
and coastal engineering applications. Synthetic data generation techniques are used in …
and coastal engineering applications. Synthetic data generation techniques are used in …
Past and future forcing of Beaufort Sea coastal change
GK Manson, SM Solomon - Atmosphere-Ocean, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Changes to the Beaufort Sea shoreline occur due to the impact of storms and rising
relative sea level. During the open‐water season (June to October), storm winds …
relative sea level. During the open‐water season (June to October), storm winds …
[HTML][HTML] Application of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for the detection of extreme precipitation change
F Pei, Y Zhou, Y **a - Forests, 2021 - mdpi.com
Remote sensing has frequently been employed to monitor extreme climatic events,
especially droughts, by identifying the anomalies of vegetation activity from the regional to …
especially droughts, by identifying the anomalies of vegetation activity from the regional to …
Experimental investigation on hybrid mooring systems for wave energy converters
This study presents a comprehensive experimental assessment of three hybrid mooring
systems for a heaving-buoy wave energy converter. Free decay model tests are conducted …
systems for a heaving-buoy wave energy converter. Free decay model tests are conducted …
A two-step framework for over-threshold modelling of environmental extremes
The evaluation of the probability of occurrence of extreme natural events is important for the
protection of urban areas, industrial facilities and others. Traditionally, the extreme value …
protection of urban areas, industrial facilities and others. Traditionally, the extreme value …
Regional flood frequency analysis using spatial proximity and basin characteristics: Quantile regression vs. parameter regression technique
Despite wide use of regression-based regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) methods,
the majority are based on either ordinary least squares (OLS) or generalized least squares …
the majority are based on either ordinary least squares (OLS) or generalized least squares …
Stochastic power spectra models for typhoon and non-typhoon winds: A data-driven algorithm
The shape of power spectra both for typhoon and non-typhoon winds directly affect the
response level of the structure. The conventional deterministic spectrum models fail to …
response level of the structure. The conventional deterministic spectrum models fail to …