A hybrid algorithm for inspection planning of subsea pipelines subject to corrosion-fatigue degradation
X Li, M Guo, G Chen - Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023 - Elsevier
The corrosion-fatigue degradation is a significant concern causing subsea pipeline failure.
This paper presents an inspection planning methodology for subsea pipelines subject to …
This paper presents an inspection planning methodology for subsea pipelines subject to …
Risk assessment method of drainage network operation based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation combined with analytic network process
Z Ba, J Fu, J Liang, K Liang, M Wang - Journal of Pipeline Systems …, 2021 - ascelibrary.org
Drainage networks are generally repaired after a failure occurs, and there is a lack of risk
prevention and evaluation. To provide an effective evaluation method for the safe operation …
prevention and evaluation. To provide an effective evaluation method for the safe operation …
An optimal approach for semiquantitative risk-based inspection of pipelines
M Eskandarzade, R Shahrivar… - Journal of Pipeline …, 2022 - ascelibrary.org
Risk-based inspection (RBI) analysis and recommendations provide an optimal strategy for
inspection planning in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. The RBI analysis and …
inspection planning in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. The RBI analysis and …
Random risk assessment model and risk-based maintenance decisions for natural gas pipelines
Y Zheng, Z Dong, X Zhang, H Shi - Journal of Loss Prevention in the …, 2025 - Elsevier
Pipeline failures can lead to interruptions in natural gas supply, incur downtime and
maintenance costs, and easily trigger major accidents. Corrosion has been identified as a …
maintenance costs, and easily trigger major accidents. Corrosion has been identified as a …
Automated early estimation of bridge interventions, possession windows and costs
H Mehranfar, BT Adey… - Infrastructure Asset …, 2023 - icevirtuallibrary.com
Bridge managers need to generate a complete overview of required interventions,
possession windows and likely costs 10–20 years ahead of execution. These, even if …
possession windows and likely costs 10–20 years ahead of execution. These, even if …
Risk-based maintenance strategy for oil transfer pipelines using an intuitionistic fuzzy computational approach
SP Toufighi, F Alasvand… - Journal of Engineering …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The safety and reliability of oil transfer pipelines are crucial, as pipeline failures can severely
affect the environment. As pipeline risk management is dynamic and uncertain, traditional …
affect the environment. As pipeline risk management is dynamic and uncertain, traditional …
RBM-MCDM framework for optimization of maintenance and inspection intervals of small unmanned aircrafts
M AliFarsi - Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose Unmanned aircraft applications are quickly expanded in different fields. These
systems are complex that include several subsystems with different types of technologies …
systems are complex that include several subsystems with different types of technologies …
Tunnel Failure Evolution and System Reliability Analysis Based on the β-unzip** Method
T Yang, S Wang, H Liu - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
The structural failure of a tunnel is a process that evolves from local damage to overall
destruction. The system reliability analysis method can be useful for analyzing the …
destruction. The system reliability analysis method can be useful for analyzing the …
Pipeline reliability assessment and predictive maintenance considering multi-crack dependent degradation
Y Zheng, Z Dong, X Zhang… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Cracks due to corrosion are one of the main reasons for natural-gas pipeline leaks. Making
the reliability assessment, prediction, and maintenance decision of pipelines based on …
the reliability assessment, prediction, and maintenance decision of pipelines based on …
Reliability analysis of landing architecture of aircraft using Fermatean fuzzy arithmetic operation
The takeoff and landing of an airplane are highly crucial to its safety. Therefore, it is essential
to evaluate the precise reliability of the landing system of any aircraft to maintain its safety …
to evaluate the precise reliability of the landing system of any aircraft to maintain its safety …