A framework for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in university programmes
There is a perceived need to develop approaches, methods and tools that may help higher
education institutions to systematically introduce the Sustainable Development Goals …
education institutions to systematically introduce the Sustainable Development Goals …
[HTML][HTML] International business education: What we know and what we have yet to develop
A Klarin, B Inkizhinov, D Nazarov… - International Business …, 2021 - Elsevier
International business education (IBE) scholarship is extensive and is continuously growing.
Nevertheless, to date there is no systems perspective overview of the literature dedicated to …
Nevertheless, to date there is no systems perspective overview of the literature dedicated to …
Embedding sustainable development goals (SDGs) in an undergraduate business capstone subject using an experiential learning approach: A qualitative analysis
Universities have an important role in ensuring that business school graduates can address
issues regarding sustainable development and the achievement of the UN Sustainable …
issues regarding sustainable development and the achievement of the UN Sustainable …
Influence of student-perceived service quality on sustainability practices of university and student satisfaction
S Chaudhary, AK Dey - Quality Assurance in Education, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The past decade has seen a proliferation of research on service quality in
education. However, little attempt has been made to understand the impact of student …
education. However, little attempt has been made to understand the impact of student …
Bridging the gap: sustainable development goals as catalysts for change in accounting education and society
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to argue for a transformative shift towards an inclusive
and socially responsible framework in accounting education. Integrating the United Nations …
and socially responsible framework in accounting education. Integrating the United Nations …
[HTML][HTML] How higher education promotes the integration of sustainable development goals—an experience in the postgraduate curricula
B López - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created big challenges and opportunities in
Higher Education (HE). In this situation, several universities worldwide have responded with …
Higher Education (HE). In this situation, several universities worldwide have responded with …
The effect of service quality on student loyalty and student satisfaction: An empirical study of universities in Vietnam
TTT DOAN - The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and …, 2021 - koreascience.kr
In recent years, there have been several studies on service quality in higher education,
however, research on service quality and sustainable activities affecting student loyalty has …
however, research on service quality and sustainable activities affecting student loyalty has …
Work-integrated learning (WIL) as a part of quality education in architecture: the profession's perspective
Purpose This research argues that architecture knowledge is fragmented between the
profession and academia as evidenced by long-standing conflicting opinions regarding …
profession and academia as evidenced by long-standing conflicting opinions regarding …
Develo** sustainability learning in business school curricula–productive boundary objects and participatory processes
Sustainability learning is holistic and complex as it draws on diverse disciplines and can be
interpreted differently within individual pedagogies. Embedding sustainability across and …
interpreted differently within individual pedagogies. Embedding sustainability across and …
An integrated framework of UN and AACSB principles for responsible management education
UG Gupta, S Cooper - Journal of Global Responsibility, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose Given the increasing relevance of Responsible Management Education (RME) to
social and human welfare around the world, this paper aims to present an integrated …
social and human welfare around the world, this paper aims to present an integrated …