An integrative survey on mental health conversational agents to bridge computer science and medical perspectives
Mental health conversational agents (aka chatbots) are widely studied for their potential to
offer accessible support to those experiencing mental health challenges. Previous surveys …
offer accessible support to those experiencing mental health challenges. Previous surveys …
To trust or not to trust: How a conversational interface affects trust in a decision support system
Trust is an important component of human-AI relationships and plays a major role in sha**
the reliance of users on online algorithmic decision support systems. With recent advances …
the reliance of users on online algorithmic decision support systems. With recent advances …
Great chain of agents: The role of metaphorical representation of agents in conversational crowdsourcing
Conversational agents are being widely adopted across several domains to serve a variety
of purposes ranging from providing intelligent assistance to companionship. Recent …
of purposes ranging from providing intelligent assistance to companionship. Recent …
Supporting mental health self-care discovery through a chatbot
Good mental health is imperative for one's wellbeing. While clinical mental disorder
treatments exist, self-care is an essential aspect of mental health. This paper explores the …
treatments exist, self-care is an essential aspect of mental health. This paper explores the …
Designing pairbuddy—a conversational agent for pair programming
P Robe, SK Kuttal - ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
From automated customer support to virtual assistants, conversational agents have
transformed everyday interactions, yet despite phenomenal progress, no agent exists for …
transformed everyday interactions, yet despite phenomenal progress, no agent exists for …
" Are we all in the same boat?" Customizable and Evolving Avatars to Improve Worker Engagement and Foster a Sense of Community in Online Crowd Work
Human intelligence continues to be essential in building ground-truth data, training sets, and
for evaluating a plethora of systems. The democratized and distributed nature of online …
for evaluating a plethora of systems. The democratized and distributed nature of online …
Goal-setting behavior of workers on crowdsourcing platforms: An exploratory study on mturk and prolific
A wealth of evidence across several domains indicates that goal setting improves
performance and learning by enabling individuals to commit their thoughts and actions to …
performance and learning by enabling individuals to commit their thoughts and actions to …
Unifying recommender systems and conversational user interfaces
This paper considers unifying research on conversational user interfaces and recommender
systems. Studies on conversational user interfaces (CUIs) typically examine how …
systems. Studies on conversational user interfaces (CUIs) typically examine how …
Task design in complex crowdsourcing experiments: Item assignment optimization
Crowdsourcing is the practice of outsourcing a task that would otherwise be performed by
one or a few experts to a crowd of individuals. It is often used to collect large amounts of …
one or a few experts to a crowd of individuals. It is often used to collect large amounts of …
ContextBot: Improving Response Consistency in Crowd-Powered Conversational Systems for Affective Support Tasks
Crowd-powered conversational systems (CPCS) solicit the wisdom of crowds to quickly
respond to on-demand users' needs. The very factors that make this a viable solution---such …
respond to on-demand users' needs. The very factors that make this a viable solution---such …