[HTML][HTML] Alloys for application at ultra-high temperatures: Nb-silicide in situ composites: Challenges, breakthroughs and opportunities
P Tsakiropoulos - Progress in Materials Science, 2022 - Elsevier
The paper reflects on the development of Nb-silicide based alloys vis-à-vis property goals
and compares them with refractory-complex-concentrated-alloys (RCCAs) for their density …
and compares them with refractory-complex-concentrated-alloys (RCCAs) for their density …
An overview on effect of alloying elements on the phase formation, mechanical and oxidation properties of Nb-Nb silicide in situ composites
G Kommineni, BR Golla, S Prasad VV - Silicon, 2023 - Springer
This paper reflects on the potentiality and development of the Nb-Si alloys for the hot section
components of the futuristic turbine engine. The Nb-Si alloys consist of ductile Nbss phase …
components of the futuristic turbine engine. The Nb-Si alloys consist of ductile Nbss phase …
Relationship between Si concentration and mechanical properties ofNb–Si compounds: A first-principles study
Y Pan, Y Lin, Q Xue, C Ren, H Wang - Materials & Design, 2016 - Elsevier
The effect of chemical bonding on the mechanical properties of high-temperature materials
remains a big challenge. In this paper, the relationship between Si concentration and …
remains a big challenge. In this paper, the relationship between Si concentration and …
Ab initio study of the intermetallics in Nb–Si binary system
First-principles calculations were carried out for the Nb 3 Si, αNb 5 Si 3, βNb 5 Si 3 and NbSi
2 intermetallic compounds and their constituent elements. The enthalpies of formation were …
2 intermetallic compounds and their constituent elements. The enthalpies of formation were …
On Nb silicide based alloys: Alloy design and selection
P Tsakiropoulos - Materials, 2018 - mdpi.com
The development of Nb-silicide based alloys is frustrated by the lack of composition-process-
microstructure-property data for the new alloys, and by the shortage of and/or disagreement …
microstructure-property data for the new alloys, and by the shortage of and/or disagreement …
Study of the role of Al, Cr and Ti additions in the microstructure of Nb–18Si–5Hf base alloys
I Grammenos, P Tsakiropoulos - Intermetallics, 2010 - Elsevier
The effects of Cr, Al and Ti on the microstructure and hardness of as cast and heat treated
Nb–18Si–5Hf–5Cr (YG1), Nb–18Si–5Hf–5Al (YG2) and Nb–18Si–5Hf–24Ti (YG3) alloys …
Nb–18Si–5Hf–5Cr (YG1), Nb–18Si–5Hf–5Al (YG2) and Nb–18Si–5Hf–24Ti (YG3) alloys …
Effects of B addition on the microstructure and properties of Nb silicide based ultrahigh temperature alloys
S Zhang, X Guo - Intermetallics, 2015 - Elsevier
Four Nb silicide based ultrahigh temperature alloys with compositions of Nb–22Ti–16Si–5Cr–
4Hf–3Al–xB (x= 0, 2, 5 and 10, respectively)(at%) were prepared by vacuum non …
4Hf–3Al–xB (x= 0, 2, 5 and 10, respectively)(at%) were prepared by vacuum non …
Study of the role of Hf, Mo and W additions in the microstructure of Nb–20Si silicide based alloys
I Grammenos, P Tsakiropoulos - Intermetallics, 2011 - Elsevier
The effects of Hf, Mo and W on the microstructure and hardness of as cast and heat treated
(1500° C/100 h) Nb–20Si–5Hf–5W (YG5), Nb-20Si–5Mo–3W (YG6) and Nb–20Si–5Hf–5Mo …
(1500° C/100 h) Nb–20Si–5Hf–5W (YG5), Nb-20Si–5Mo–3W (YG6) and Nb–20Si–5Hf–5Mo …
On the Alloying and Properties of Tetragonal Nb5Si3 in Nb-Silicide Based Alloys
P Tsakiropoulos - Materials, 2018 - mdpi.com
The alloying of Nb5Si3 modifies its properties. Actual compositions of (Nb, TM) 5X3 silicides
in developmental alloys, where X= Al+ B+ Ge+ Si+ Sn and TM is a transition and/or …
in developmental alloys, where X= Al+ B+ Ge+ Si+ Sn and TM is a transition and/or …
[HTML][HTML] Insights into Nb-silicide-based in-situ composite processed by electron beam powder bed fusion
R Gao, H Peng, H Guo, B Chen - Journal of Materials Processing …, 2024 - Elsevier
This is the first report introducing the idea of processing Nb-silicide-based in-situ composite
through electron beam powder bed fusion (PBF-EB). A high energy input together with a line …
through electron beam powder bed fusion (PBF-EB). A high energy input together with a line …