A survey on subgraph counting: concepts, algorithms, and applications to network motifs and graphlets
Computing subgraph frequencies is a fundamental task that lies at the core of several
network analysis methodologies, such as network motifs and graphlet-based metrics, which …
network analysis methodologies, such as network motifs and graphlet-based metrics, which …
Triangle counting in large networks: a review
Counting and enumeration of local topological structures, such as triangles, is an important
task for analyzing large real‐life networks. For instance, triangle count in a network is used …
task for analyzing large real‐life networks. For instance, triangle count in a network is used …
Learning to count isomorphisms with graph neural networks
Subgraph isomorphism counting is an important problem on graphs, as many graph-based
tasks exploit recurring subgraph patterns. Classical methods usually boil down to a …
tasks exploit recurring subgraph patterns. Classical methods usually boil down to a …
Hypergraph motifs: concepts, algorithms, and discoveries
Hypergraphs naturally represent group interactions, which are omnipresent in many
domains: collaborations of researchers, co-purchases of items, joint interactions of proteins …
domains: collaborations of researchers, co-purchases of items, joint interactions of proteins …
Neural subgraph isomorphism counting
In this paper, we study a new graph learning problem: learning to count subgraph
isomorphisms. Different from other traditional graph learning problems such as node …
isomorphisms. Different from other traditional graph learning problems such as node …
Neural subgraph counting with Wasserstein estimator
Subgraph counting is a fundamental graph analysis task which has been widely used in
many applications. As the problem of subgraph counting is NP-complete and hence …
many applications. As the problem of subgraph counting is NP-complete and hence …
Counting graphlets: Space vs time
Counting graphlets is a well-studied problem in graph mining and social network analysis.
Recently, several papers explored very simple and natural approaches based on Monte …
Recently, several papers explored very simple and natural approaches based on Monte …
A new similarity measure for link prediction based on local structures in social networks
Link prediction is a fundamental problem in social network analysis. There exist a variety of
techniques for link prediction which applies the similarity measures to estimate proximity of …
techniques for link prediction which applies the similarity measures to estimate proximity of …
What would a graph look like in this layout? a machine learning approach to large graph visualization
Using different methods for laying out a graph can lead to very different visual appearances,
with which the viewer perceives different information. Selecting a “good” layout method is …
with which the viewer perceives different information. Selecting a “good” layout method is …
A general framework for estimating graphlet statistics via random walk
Graphlets are induced subgraph patterns and have been frequently applied to characterize
the local topology structures of graphs across various domains, eg, online social networks …
the local topology structures of graphs across various domains, eg, online social networks …