Modeling daily reference evapotranspiration via a novel approach based on support vector regression coupled with whale optimization algorithm

B Mohammadi, S Mehdizadeh - Agricultural Water Management, 2020 - Elsevier
In achieving water resource management goals such as irrigation scheduling, an accurate
estimate of reference evapotranspiration (ET 0) is critical. Support vector regression (SVR) …

Improving long-term streamflow prediction in a poorly gauged basin using geo-spatiotemporal mesoscale data and attention-based deep learning: A comparative …

F Ghobadi, D Kang - Journal of Hydrology, 2022 - Elsevier
Precise long-term streamflow prediction has always been important in the hydrology field,
and has provided essential information for efficient water-resource management and …

Implementation of hybrid particle swarm optimization-differential evolution algorithms coupled with multi-layer perceptron for suspended sediment load estimation

B Mohammadi, Y Guan, R Moazenzadeh, MJS Safari - Catena, 2021 - Elsevier
River suspended sediment load (SSL) estimation is of importance in water resources
engineering and hydrological modeling. In this study, a novel hybrid approach is …

Daily river flow simulation using ensemble disjoint aggregating M5-Prime model

K Khosravi, N Attar, SM Bateni, C Jun, D Kim… - Heliyon, 2024 -
Accurate prediction of daily river flow (Q t) remains a challenging yet essential task in
hydrological modeling, particularly crucial for flood mitigation and water resource …

Short term rainfall-runoff modelling using several machine learning methods and a conceptual event-based model

RM Adnan, A Petroselli, S Heddam… - … Research and Risk …, 2021 - Springer
The applicability of four machine learning (ML) methods, ANFIS-PSO, ANFIS-FCM, MARS
and M5Tree, together with multi model simple averaging (MM-SA) ensemble method, is …

Improving streamflow simulation by combining hydrological process-driven and artificial intelligence-based models

B Mohammadi, R Moazenzadeh, K Christian… - … Science and Pollution …, 2021 - Springer
Accurate and timely monitoring of streamflow and its variation is crucial for water resources
management in watersheds. This study aimed at evaluating the performance of two process …

Novel hybrid intelligence predictive model based on successive variational mode decomposition algorithm for monthly runoff series

A Parsaie, R Ghasemlounia, A Gharehbaghi… - Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
A high-accuracy estimation of the runoff has always been an extremely relevant and
challenging subject in hydrology science. Therefore, in the current research, a novel hybrid …

Application of an artificial intelligence technique enhanced with intelligent water drops for monthly reference evapotranspiration estimation

F Ahmadi, S Mehdizadeh, B Mohammadi… - Agricultural Water …, 2021 - Elsevier
Reference evapotranspiration (ET 0) is one of the most important parameters, which is
required in many fields such as hydrological, agricultural, and climatological studies …

Comparison of different methodologies for rainfall–runoff modeling: machine learning vs conceptual approach

RM Adnan, A Petroselli, S Heddam, CAG Santos… - Natural Hazards, 2021 - Springer
Accurate short-term rainfall–runoff prediction is essential for flood mitigation and safety of
hydraulic structures and infrastructures. This study investigates the capability of four …

Develo** novel robust models to improve the accuracy of daily streamflow modeling

B Mohammadi, F Ahmadi, S Mehdizadeh… - Water Resources …, 2020 - Springer
Streamflow plays a major role in the optimal management and allocation of available water
resources in each region. Reliable techniques are therefore needed to be developed for …