Shedding light on shade: ecological perspectives of understorey plant life
Shade, in ecological sense, is not merely a lack of light, but a multi-faceted phenomenon
that creates new and complex settings for community and ecosystem dynamics. Tolerating …
that creates new and complex settings for community and ecosystem dynamics. Tolerating …
Movement‐mediated community assembly and coexistence
Organismal movement is ubiquitous and facilitates important ecological mechanisms that
drive community and metacommunity composition and hence biodiversity. In most existing …
drive community and metacommunity composition and hence biodiversity. In most existing …
Sequential droughts: A silent trigger of boreal forest mortality
Despite great concern for drought‐driven forest mortality, the effects of frequent low‐intensity
droughts have been largely overlooked in the boreal forest because of their negligible …
droughts have been largely overlooked in the boreal forest because of their negligible …
Green remediation of toxic metals contaminated mining soil using bacterial consortium and Brassica juncea
Microorganism-assisted phytoremediation is being developed as an efficient green
approach for management of toxic metals contaminated soils and mitigating the potential …
approach for management of toxic metals contaminated soils and mitigating the potential …
Global change re‐structures alpine plant communities through interacting abiotic and biotic effects
Global change is altering patterns of community assembly, with net outcomes dependent on
species' responses to the abiotic environment, both directly and mediated through biotic …
species' responses to the abiotic environment, both directly and mediated through biotic …
Quantifying leaf‐trait covariation and its controls across climates and biomes
Plant functional ecology requires the quantification of trait variation and its controls. Field
measurements on 483 species at 48 sites across China were used to analyse variation in …
measurements on 483 species at 48 sites across China were used to analyse variation in …
Towards a new generation of trait-flexible vegetation models
Plant trait variability, emerging from eco-evolutionary dynamics that range from alleles to
macroecological scales, is one of the most elusive, but possibly most consequential, aspects …
macroecological scales, is one of the most elusive, but possibly most consequential, aspects …
Effect of plant–plant interactions and drought stress on the response of soil nutrient contents, enzyme activities and microbial metabolic limitations
L **ao, X Min, G Liu, P Li, S Xue - Applied Soil Ecology, 2023 - Elsevier
Plant–plant interactions are dynamic and complicated processes that strongly influence soil
nutrient cycling in ecosystems. Climate warming-induced drought stress and the duration of …
nutrient cycling in ecosystems. Climate warming-induced drought stress and the duration of …
Higher order interactions and species coexistence
Higher order interactions (HOIs) have been suggested to stabilize diverse ecological
communities. However, their role in maintaining species coexistence from the perspective of …
communities. However, their role in maintaining species coexistence from the perspective of …
Aleppo pine forests from across Spain show drought-induced growth decline and partial recovery
Drought-induced growth decline is a phenomenon widely described in forests growing in
regions subjected to seasonal water shortage such as the Mediterranean Basin. However …
regions subjected to seasonal water shortage such as the Mediterranean Basin. However …