Heart rate variability and cardiac vagal tone in psychophysiological research–recommendations for experiment planning, data analysis, and data reporting
Psychophysiological research integrating heart rate variability (HRV) has increased during
the last two decades, particularly given the fact that HRV is able to index cardiac vagal tone …
the last two decades, particularly given the fact that HRV is able to index cardiac vagal tone …
J-Wave syndromes expert consensus conference report: emerging concepts and gaps in knowledge
The J-wave syndromes (JWSs), consisting of the Brugada syndrome (BrS) and early
repolarization syndrome (ERS), have captured the interest of the cardiology community over …
repolarization syndrome (ERS), have captured the interest of the cardiology community over …
Classification of 12-lead ecgs: the physionet/computing in cardiology challenge 2020
Objective: Vast 12-lead ECGs repositories provide opportunities to develop new machine
learning approaches for creating accurate and automatic diagnostic systems for cardiac …
learning approaches for creating accurate and automatic diagnostic systems for cardiac …
Automatic diagnosis of the 12-lead ECG using a deep neural network
The role of automatic electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis in clinical practice is limited by the
accuracy of existing models. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are models composed of …
accuracy of existing models. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are models composed of …
A 12-lead electrocardiogram database for arrhythmia research covering more than 10,000 patients
J Zheng, J Zhang, S Danioko, H Yao, H Guo… - Scientific data, 2020 - nature.com
This newly inaugurated research database for 12-lead electrocardiogram signals was
created under the auspices of Chapman University and Shaoxing People's Hospital …
created under the auspices of Chapman University and Shaoxing People's Hospital …
Prevalence and outcomes of concomitant aortic stenosis and cardiac amyloidosis
Background Older patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) are increasingly identified as
having cardiac amyloidosis (CA). It is unknown whether concomitant AS-CA has worse …
having cardiac amyloidosis (CA). It is unknown whether concomitant AS-CA has worse …
A multitier deep learning model for arrhythmia detection
An electrocardiograph (ECG) is employed as a primary tool for diagnosing cardiovascular
diseases (CVDs). ECG signals provide a framework to probe the underlying properties and …
diseases (CVDs). ECG signals provide a framework to probe the underlying properties and …
Computer-interpreted electrocardiograms: benefits and limitations
J Schläpfer, HJ Wellens - Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2017 - jacc.org
Computerized interpretation of the electrocardiogram (CIE) was introduced to improve the
correct interpretation of the electrocardiogram (ECG), facilitating health care decision …
correct interpretation of the electrocardiogram (ECG), facilitating health care decision …
Exercise standards for testing and training: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
GF Fletcher, PA Ades, P Kligfield, R Arena, GJ Balady… - Circulation, 2013 - ahajournals.org
With regard to a literature search for this revision, no specific strategy or formal data quality
assessment was used. Each of the 15 members of the writing group has specific expertise …
assessment was used. Each of the 15 members of the writing group has specific expertise …
2017 ISHNE-HRS expert consensus statement on ambulatory ECG and external cardiac monitoring/telemetry
JS Steinberg, N Varma, I Cygankiewicz, P Aziz… - Heart rhythm, 2017 - Elsevier
Ambulatory ECG (AECG) is very commonly employed in a variety of clinical contexts to
detect cardiac arrhythmias and/or arrhythmia patterns which are not readily obtained from …
detect cardiac arrhythmias and/or arrhythmia patterns which are not readily obtained from …