The behavior of trace elements in seawater, sedimentary pore water, and their incorporation into carbonate minerals: a review

D Smrzka, J Zwicker, W Bach, D Feng, T Himmler… - Facies, 2019 - Springer
Trace elements are actively cycled in seawater, are essential components for marine life,
and are transported to the seafloor where they can become enriched in marine sediments …

[HTML][HTML] Marine shales: depositional mechanisms and environments of ancient deposits

MA Arthur, BB Sageman - … Sciences, Volume 22, pp. 499-551., 1994 -
Marine Shales: Depositional Mechanisms and Environments of Ancient Deposits ADS
Classic is now deprecated. It will be completely retired in October 2019. This page will …

Trace metals as paleoredox and paleoproductivity proxies: an update

N Tribovillard, TJ Algeo, T Lyons, A Riboulleau - Chemical geology, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper is a synthesis of the use of selected trace elements as proxies for reconstruction
of paleoproductivity and paleoredox conditions. Many of the trace elements considered here …

Definition of new trace-metal proxies for the controls on organic matter enrichment in marine sediments based on Mn, Co, Mo and Cd concentrations

T Sweere, S van den Boorn, AJ Dickson, GJ Reichart - Chemical Geology, 2016 - Elsevier
Trace metal enrichments in sedimentary deposits are of prime interest because they are
governed by processes that also control the production and preservation of organic matter …

Geochemistry of recent oxic and anoxic marine sediments: implications for the geological record

SE Calvert, TF Pedersen - Marine geology, 1993 - Elsevier
The distributions of certain minor and trace elements in marine sediments should potentially
provide forensic tools for determining the redox conditions of the bottom waters at the time of …

Trace-element behavior and redox facies in core shales of Upper Pennsylvanian Kansas-type cyclothems

TJ Algeo, JB Maynard - Chemical geology, 2004 - Elsevier
The black shale submember of core shales of Pennsylvanian Kansas-type cyclothems is
highly enriched in redox-sensitive trace elements (TEs) relative to the overlying gray shale …

The trace metal content of recent organic carbon-rich sediments: Implications for Cretaceous black shale formation

HJ Brumsack - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2006 - Elsevier
Organic carbon-rich sediments are enriched in several redox-sensitive and stable sulfide-
forming trace metals (TM) and form an important sink in global TM cycles. In today's ocean …

Ocean anoxia and the concentrations of molybdenum and vanadium in seawater

SR Emerson, SS Huested - Marine chemistry, 1991 - Elsevier
Molybdenum and vanadium are relatively unreactive in seawater and are preferentially
concentrated in sediments overlain by anoxic or near-anoxic waters. We investigate the …

Chapter fourteen elemental proxies for palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic variability in marine sediments: interpretation and application

SE Calvert, TF Pedersen - Developments in marine geology, 2007 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the elemental proxies for palaeoclimatic and
palaeoceanographic variability in marine sediments. Physical and biological processes …

Vanadium accumulation in carbonaceous rocks: a review of geochemical controls during deposition and diagenesis

GN Breit, RB Wanty - Chemical Geology, 1991 - Elsevier
Published data relevant to the geochemistry of vanadium were used to evaluate processes
and conditions that control vanadium accumulation in carbonaceous rocks. Reduction …