[HTML][HTML] Ichnological analysis: A tool to characterize deep-marine processes and sediments
FJ Rodríguez-Tovar - Earth-Science Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
The deep-marine environment is a complex setting in which numerous processes—settling
of pelagic and hemipelagic particles in the water column, sediment gravity flows (downslope …
of pelagic and hemipelagic particles in the water column, sediment gravity flows (downslope …
[KNYGA][B] Ichnology: Organism-substrate interactions in space and time
LA Buatois, MG Mángano - 2011 - books.google.com
Ichnology is the study of traces created in the substrate by living organisms. This is the first
book to systematically cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and …
book to systematically cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and …
Ichnodiversity and ichnodisparity: significance and caveats
Ichnodiversity has been used as a proxy for environmental stress and stability in facies
interpretations and to reconstruct evolutionary radiations and colonization histories in …
interpretations and to reconstruct evolutionary radiations and colonization histories in …
The ichnofacies paradigm: high-resolution paleoenvironmental interpretation of the rock record
JA MacEachern, KL Bann, SG Pemberton, MK Gingras - 2007 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The ichnofacies paradigm endures as the elegant, unifying framework within which accurate
ichnological observations and their reliable environmental interpretations can be derived …
ichnological observations and their reliable environmental interpretations can be derived …
Insect Trace Fossil Associations in Paleosols: The Coprinisphaera Ichnofacies
Abstract Analysis of fifty-eight paleosol trace fossil assemblages, ranging from the Triassic to
the Recent, allows refinement of continental ichnofacies models and the proposal of a …
the Recent, allows refinement of continental ichnofacies models and the proposal of a …
Tetrapod ichnofacies: a new paradigm
AP Hunt, SG Lucas - Ichnos, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
We recognize three fundamental terms in ichnology:(1) ichnoassemblage, which is an
assemblage of ichnofossils conceptually equivalent to an assemblage of body fossils;(2) …
assemblage of ichnofossils conceptually equivalent to an assemblage of body fossils;(2) …
Animal–substrate interactions in freshwater environments: applications of ichnology in facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of fluvio-lacustrine successions
LA Buatois, MG Mángano - 2004 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
At present, three continental archetypal ichnofacies are widely accepted: the Scoyenia,
Mermia and Coprinisphaera ichnofacies. The last is present in palaeosols, and the first two …
Mermia and Coprinisphaera ichnofacies. The last is present in palaeosols, and the first two …
Upper Triassic (Keuper) non-marine trace fossils from the Haßberge area (Franconia, south-eastern Germany)
M Schlirf, A Uchman, M Kümmel - PalZ, 2001 - Springer
Various trace fossils from the Hassberge Formation and the Löwenstein Formation (Middle
Keuper, Upper Triassic) of the Haßberge region are described. Twenty-three different forms …
Keuper, Upper Triassic) of the Haßberge region are described. Twenty-three different forms …
Trace fossils from Carboniferous floodplain deposits in western Argentina: implications for ichnofacies models of continental environments
Floodplain deposits from the Carboniferous Tupe Formation of western Argentina contain a
low-diversity ichnofauna of invertebrates and plants. The assemblage consists of …
low-diversity ichnofauna of invertebrates and plants. The assemblage consists of …
Invertebrate ichnology of continental freshwater environments
The study of continental ichnofaunas has shown an explosive development during the last
decade. At present, three continental archetypal ichnofacies are accepted: the Scoyenia …
decade. At present, three continental archetypal ichnofacies are accepted: the Scoyenia …