Fast-thermal coupled cores in zero power reactors: A demonstration of feasibility and pertinence for the ZEPHYR project

P Ros, P Leconte, P Blaise, HD de Spéville… - Annals of Nuclear …, 2017 - Elsevier
The development of GEN-IV fast reactor technology at an industrial scale will need
significant improvement of nuclear data and related uncertainties to cope with awaited target …

Modeling representative Gen‐IV molten fuel reactivity effects in the ZEPHYR fast/thermal coupled ZPRs. Part I—Assembly level

M Margulis, P Blaise, E Gilad - International Journal of Energy …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The comprehension of severe criticality accident is a key issue in Gen‐IV neutronics and
safety. Within the future zero‐power experimental physics reactor (ZEPHYR), to be built in …

Transient Fission Matrix approach for assessing complex kinetics behavior in the ZEPHYR ZPR coupled core configurations

P Blaise, A Laureau, P Ros, P Leconte… - Annals of Nuclear …, 2019 - Elsevier
CEA is currently working on a new ZPR called ZEPHYR (Zero power Experimental PHYsics
Reactor), to be built on the Cadarache Center in the next decade. Its awaited experimental …

Modeling representative Gen‐IV molten fuel reactivity effects in the ZEPHYR ZPR‐LFR analysis

M Margulis, P Blaise, E Gilad - International Journal of Energy …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Studies related to severe core accidents constitute a crucial element in the safety design of
Gen‐IV systems. A new experimental program, related to severe core accidents studies, is …

Scientific needs for a new generation critical facility at CEA: the ZEPHYR (Zero power Experimental PHYsics Reactor) ZPR

P Blaise, B Minot-Taioglou, P Fougeras… - IGORR 19th-19th …, 2019 -
The experimental programs performed in EOLE and MINERVE ZPRs for the last 40 years
have been very fruitful for the understanding of LWR physical phenomena, and have …

Innovative hybrid pile oscillator technique in the minerve reactor: Open loop versus closed loop

B Geslot, A Gruel, S Bréaud, P Leconte… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
Pile oscillator techniques are powerful methods to measure small reactivity worth of isotopes
of interest for nuclear data improvement. This kind of experiment has long been …

Spectral adaptation to emphasize the 10 eV to 10 keV energy domain for ZEPHYR, a future multipurpose ZPR for CEA

P Ros, P Blaise, P Leconte - ICAPP 2017, 2017 -
Zero Power Reactors bring significant results in experimental validation of neutronics
calculation tools and knowledge of nuclear data through integral experiments. In order to …

ZPR core representativity of SFR reactivity effects during core meltdown

M Margulis, P Blaise, L Buiron, E Gilad - ANS Winter Meeting, 2017 -
The progression of severe core accident (SCA) in a fast breeder reactor (FBR) is significantly
influenced by the core physics, since the core is not loaded in its most reactive configuration …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the Doppler feedback reactivity in LWR RIA power tran-sients–Application to the CABRI reactor

O Clamens, P Blaise, JP Hudelot - Advancements in Nuclear …, 2020 -
CABRI is a research reactor, funded by the French Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection
institute (IRSN) and operated by CEA that produces typical Reactivity Initiated Accidents …

[PDF][PDF] Interpretation of the SNEAK-12A/B experimental programs on severe core accidents in LMFBRs–Some feedback on nuclear datafire-assimilation for the …

M Margulis, P Blaise, G Rimpault, E Gilad - ICAPP‐2017, 2017 -
The presented work details the SNEAK-12B experimental program, which is under
reevaluation in a joint collaboration of CEA/KIT/Ben-Gurion University. In this work a …