Niche estimation above and below the species level
Ecological niches reflect not only adaptation to local circumstances but also the tendency of
related lineages to share environmental tolerances. As a result, information on phylogenetic …
related lineages to share environmental tolerances. As a result, information on phylogenetic …
Assisted migration field tests in Canada and Mexico: Lessons, limitations, and challenges
Assisted migration of forest tree populations through reforestation and restoration is a
climate change adaptation strategy under consideration in many jurisdictions. Matching …
climate change adaptation strategy under consideration in many jurisdictions. Matching …
The future of tropical forests under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
In September 2015, member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—a set of 17 ambitions for the post-2015 global …
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—a set of 17 ambitions for the post-2015 global …
Provenance trials in the service of forestry assisted migration: A review of North American field trials and experiments
As greenhouse gas emissions rise unabated and temperatures continue to rise, forest
managers have begun to consider assisted migration (AM) of trees as a strategy to adapt …
managers have begun to consider assisted migration (AM) of trees as a strategy to adapt …
Assisted migration within species range ignores biotic interactions and lacks evidence
In the context of climate change, many plant species may have problems adapting or
dispersing rapidly enough to keep pace with changing environmental conditions. Given …
dispersing rapidly enough to keep pace with changing environmental conditions. Given …
Potential migration pathways of broadleaved trees across the receding boreal biome under future climate change
Climate change has triggered poleward expansions in the distributions of various taxonomic
groups, including tree species. Given the ecological significance of trees as keystone …
groups, including tree species. Given the ecological significance of trees as keystone …
Proline concentrations in seedlings of woody plants change with drought stress duration and are mediated by seed characteristics: a meta-analysis
Proline accumulation represents one of mechanisms used by plants to prevent the adverse
consequences of water stress. The effects of increased proline levels in response to drought …
consequences of water stress. The effects of increased proline levels in response to drought …
Predicting distribution of major forest tree species to potential impacts of climate change in the central Himalayan region
Predicting climatic niche of species and projecting their potential range shifts in geographic
distribution under future climate scenarios is essential for assessing impacts of climate …
distribution under future climate scenarios is essential for assessing impacts of climate …
An ecological approach to climate change-informed tree species selection for reforestation
Accounting for climate change in reforestation practices has the potential to be one of the
most efficacious adaptation strategies for maintaining future forest ecosystem services …
most efficacious adaptation strategies for maintaining future forest ecosystem services …
Competition for soil resources forces a trade-off between enhancing tree productivity and understorey species richness in managed beech forests
Traditionally focussed on maximising productivity, forest management increasingly has to
consider other functions performed by the forest stands, such as biodiversity conservation …
consider other functions performed by the forest stands, such as biodiversity conservation …