Understanding how animal groups achieve coordinated movement
Moving animal groups display remarkable feats of coordination. This coordination is largely
achieved when individuals adjust their movement in response to their neighbours' …
achieved when individuals adjust their movement in response to their neighbours' …
Vortex phase matching as a strategy for schooling in robots and in fish
It has long been proposed that flying and swimming animals could exploit neighbour-
induced flows. Despite this it is still not clear whether, and if so how, schooling fish …
induced flows. Despite this it is still not clear whether, and if so how, schooling fish …
Energy saving mechanisms, collective behavior and the variation range hypothesis in biological systems: a review
Energy saving mechanisms are ubiquitous in nature. Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic
drafting, vortice uplift, Bernoulli suction, thermoregulatory coupling, path following, physical …
drafting, vortice uplift, Bernoulli suction, thermoregulatory coupling, path following, physical …
Fish swimming in schools save energy regardless of their spatial position
For animals, being a member of a group provides various advantages, such as reduced
vulnerability to predators, increased foraging opportunities and reduced energetic costs of …
vulnerability to predators, increased foraging opportunities and reduced energetic costs of …
The role of hydrodynamics in collective motions of fish schools and bioinspired underwater robots
Collective behaviour defines the lives of many animal species on the Earth. Underwater
swarms span several orders of magnitude in size, from coral larvae and krill to tunas and …
swarms span several orders of magnitude in size, from coral larvae and krill to tunas and …
Simple phalanx pattern leads to energy saving in cohesive fish schooling
The question of how individuals in a population organize when living in groups arises for
systems as different as a swarm of microorganisms or a flock of seagulls. The different …
systems as different as a swarm of microorganisms or a flock of seagulls. The different …
In-line swimming dynamics revealed by fish interacting with a robotic mechanism
Schooling in fish is linked to a number of factors such as increased foraging success,
predator avoidance, and social interactions. In addition, a prevailing hypothesis is that …
predator avoidance, and social interactions. In addition, a prevailing hypothesis is that …
Optimal undulatory swimming for a single fish-like body and for a pair of interacting swimmers
We establish through numerical simulation conditions for optimal undulatory propulsion for a
single fish, and for a pair of hydrodynamically interacting fish, accounting for linear and …
single fish, and for a pair of hydrodynamically interacting fish, accounting for linear and …
Synchronisation through learning for two self-propelled swimmers
The coordinated motion by multiple swimmers is a fundamental component in fish schooling.
The flow field induced by the motion of each self-propelled swimmer implies non-linear …
The flow field induced by the motion of each self-propelled swimmer implies non-linear …
Zebrafish social behavior in the wild
Wild zebrafish exhibit a wide range of behavior. We found abundant wild zebrafish in flowing
rivers and still water, in large, tightly-knit groups of hundreds of individuals, as well as in …
rivers and still water, in large, tightly-knit groups of hundreds of individuals, as well as in …