The morphodynamics of tidal sand waves: A model overview
This paper reviews recent theoretical studies of sand waves which are rhythmic large-scale
bedforms observed in the continental shelf far from the near-shore region. Emphasis is given …
bedforms observed in the continental shelf far from the near-shore region. Emphasis is given …
Predicting offshore tidal bedforms using stability methods
G Vittori, P Blondeaux - Earth-Science Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
The interaction of tidal currents with a cohesionless sea bottom gives rise to the appearance
of periodic morphological patterns (bedforms) characterized by wavelengths that range from …
of periodic morphological patterns (bedforms) characterized by wavelengths that range from …
Numerical simulation of sand waves in a turbulent open channel flow
We develop a coupled hydro-morphodynamic numerical model for carrying out large-eddy
simulation of stratified, turbulent flow over a mobile sand bed. The method is based on the …
simulation of stratified, turbulent flow over a mobile sand bed. The method is based on the …
Spatially varying environmental properties controlling observed sand wave morphology
Sand wave morphology and dynamics on continental shelves vary substantially, and we
hypothesize that these spatial variations depend on local bed properties and hydrodynamic …
hypothesize that these spatial variations depend on local bed properties and hydrodynamic …
The influence of storms on sand wave evolution: A nonlinear idealized modeling approach
We present a new 2DV nonlinear process‐based morphodynamic model to investigate the
effects of storms, specifically wind‐driven flow and wind waves, on finite amplitude tidal sand …
effects of storms, specifically wind‐driven flow and wind waves, on finite amplitude tidal sand …
Modelling the effect of suspended load transport and tidal asymmetry on the equilibrium tidal sand wave height
Tidal sand waves are rhythmic bed forms found in shallow sandy coastal seas, reaching
heights up to ten meters and migration rates of several meters per year. Because of their …
heights up to ten meters and migration rates of several meters per year. Because of their …
Sedimentological–ichnological model for tide‐dominated shelf sandbodies: Lower Cambrian Gog Group of western Canada
Dunes and bars are common elements in tide‐dominated shelf settings. However, there is
no consensus on a unifying terminology or a systematic classification for thick sets of cross …
no consensus on a unifying terminology or a systematic classification for thick sets of cross …
Modeling tidal sand wave formation in a numerical shallow water model: The role of turbulence formulation
Tidal sand waves are prominent dynamic bottom features in shallow sandy seas. Up to now,
the processes controlling the formation of these bedforms have only been studied in stability …
the processes controlling the formation of these bedforms have only been studied in stability …
The role of suspended load transport in the occurrence of tidal sand waves
Tidal sand waves are dynamic bed patterns which are formed by the complex interaction
between hydrodynamics, sediment transport, and geomorphology. Field data from the …
between hydrodynamics, sediment transport, and geomorphology. Field data from the …
Giant dune morphologies and dynamics in a deep continental shelf environment: Example of the banc du four (Western Brittany, France)
The aim of this paper is to improve the knowledge of spatio-temporal variability of very large
to giant dunes in deep tide dominated environment. Their growth mechanisms and dynamic …
to giant dunes in deep tide dominated environment. Their growth mechanisms and dynamic …