[KNYGA][B] Neighborhood semantics for modal logic

E Pacuit - 2017 - Springer
Neighborhood models generalize the well-known relational models, or Kripke models, for
modal logic. Although the idea underlying neighborhood models is implicit in the seminal …

Modal logics of space

J van Benthem, G Bezhanishvili - Handbook of spatial logics, 2007 - Springer
Despite historical links between the foundations of mathematics and development of
axiomatic geometry, substantial logics for significant spatial structures have been scarce …

Neighbourhood structures: Bisimilarity and basic model theory

HH Hansen, C Kupke, E Pacuit - Logical Methods in Computer …, 2009 - lmcs.episciences.org
Neighbourhood structures are the standard semantic tool used to reason about non-normal
modal logics. The logic of all neighbourhood models is called classical modal logic. In …

Pure extensions, proof rules, and hybrid axiomatics

P Blackburn, B Cate - Studia Logica, 2006 - Springer
In this paper we argue that hybrid logic is the deductive setting most natural for Kripke
semantics. We do so by investigating hybrid axiomatics for a variety of systems, ranging from …

The freedoms of (guarded) bisimulation

E Grädel, M Otto - Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information …, 2014 - Springer
We survey different notions of bisimulation equivalence that provide flexible and powerful
concepts for understanding the expressive power as well as the model-theoretic and …

A van Benthem/Rosen theorem for coalgebraic predicate logic

L Schröder, D Pattinson, T Litak - Journal of Logic and …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Coalgebraic modal logic serves as a unifying framework to study a wide range of modal
logics beyond the relational realm, including probabilistic and graded logics as well as …

Structures for epistemic logic

N Bezhanishvili, W van der Hoek - Johan van Benthem on logic and …, 2014 - Springer
In this chapter we overview the main structures of epistemic and doxastic logic. We start by
discussing the most celebrated models for epistemic logic, ie, epistemic Kripke structures …

Hennessy-Milner and Van Benthem for instantial neighbourhood logic

J de Groot - Studia Logica, 2022 - Springer
Hennessy-Milner and Van Benthem for Instantial Neighbourhood Logic Page 1 Jim de Groot
Hennessy-Milner and Van Benthem for Instantial Neighbourhood Logic Abstract. We investigate …

Coalgebraic predicate logic

T Litak, D Pattinson, K Sano, L Schröder - International Colloquium on …, 2012 - Springer
We propose a generalization of first-order logic originating in a neglected work by CC
Chang: a natural and generic correspondence language for any types of structures which …

Bisimulation for neighbourhood structures

HH Hansen, C Kupke, E Pacuit - … 2007, Bergen, Norway, August 20-24 …, 2007 - Springer
Neighbourhood structures are the standard semantic tool used to reason about non-normal
modal logics. In coalgebraic terms, a neighbourhood frame is a coalgebra for the …