Poverty, depression, and anxiety: Causal evidence and mechanisms
BACKGROUND Depression and anxiety disorders are together responsible for 8% of years
lived with disability globally. Contrary to widely held preconceptions, these are not diseases …
lived with disability globally. Contrary to widely held preconceptions, these are not diseases …
Education in Africa: What are we learning?
DK Evans, A Mendez Acosta - Journal of African Economies, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Countries across Africa continue to face major challenges in education. In this review, we
examine 145 recent empirical studies (from 2014 onward) on how to increase access to and …
examine 145 recent empirical studies (from 2014 onward) on how to increase access to and …
New Advances on an Old Question: Does Money Matter for Children's Outcomes?
ME Page - Journal of Economic Literature, 2024 - aeaweb.org
Family income is a positive predictor of children's health, human capital, and later-life
earnings, but determining the extent to which these associations reflect causal effects is …
earnings, but determining the extent to which these associations reflect causal effects is …
Cash transfers, microentrepreneurial activity, and child work: evidence from Malawi and Zambia
Cash transfer programs are rapidly becoming a key component of the social safety net of
many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The primary aim of these programs is to help …
many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The primary aim of these programs is to help …
[SÁCH][B] Behavioral insights for public policy: concepts and cases
K Ruggeri - 2018 - books.google.com
The first decades of the twenty-first century have offered a remarkable shift in how policies
are made as well as who designs them. Until this period, local, regional, and national policy …
are made as well as who designs them. Until this period, local, regional, and national policy …
Cash transfers, early marriage, and fertility in Malawi and Zambia
There is increasing interest in the ability of cash transfers to facilitate safe transitions to
adulthood in low‐income settings; however, evidence from scaled‐up government …
adulthood in low‐income settings; however, evidence from scaled‐up government …
Educational impacts of an unconditional cash transfer program in Mali
Abstract In rural West Africa, the rate of out-of-school children is high and delayed entry to
primary school is common, particularly for girls. Using the randomized roll-out of a large …
primary school is common, particularly for girls. Using the randomized roll-out of a large …
Cash transfers and human capital outcomes of children in LMICs: A systematic review using PRISMA
With an increasing shift towards cash transfers and the proposition of Universal Basic
Income (UBI) as a policy alternative to replace the existing schemes, there has been a rising …
Income (UBI) as a policy alternative to replace the existing schemes, there has been a rising …
An unconditional prenatal income supplement reduces population inequities in birth outcomes
The Commission on Social Determinants of Health, sponsored by the World Health
Organization, has identified measuring health inequities and evaluating interventions to …
Organization, has identified measuring health inequities and evaluating interventions to …
Evaluation of a savings-led family-based economic empowerment intervention for AIDS-affected adolescents in Uganda: A four-year follow-up on efficacy and cost …
Background Children who have lost a parent to HIV/AIDS, known as AIDS orphans, face
multiple stressors affecting their health and development. Family economic empowerment …
multiple stressors affecting their health and development. Family economic empowerment …