Poverty, depression, and anxiety: Causal evidence and mechanisms

M Ridley, G Rao, F Schilbach, V Patel - Science, 2020 - science.org
BACKGROUND Depression and anxiety disorders are together responsible for 8% of years
lived with disability globally. Contrary to widely held preconceptions, these are not diseases …

Education in Africa: What are we learning?

DK Evans, A Mendez Acosta - Journal of African Economies, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Countries across Africa continue to face major challenges in education. In this review, we
examine 145 recent empirical studies (from 2014 onward) on how to increase access to and …

New Advances on an Old Question: Does Money Matter for Children's Outcomes?

ME Page - Journal of Economic Literature, 2024 - aeaweb.org
Family income is a positive predictor of children's health, human capital, and later-life
earnings, but determining the extent to which these associations reflect causal effects is …

Cash transfers, microentrepreneurial activity, and child work: evidence from Malawi and Zambia

J De Hoop, V Groppo, S Handa - The World Bank Economic …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Cash transfer programs are rapidly becoming a key component of the social safety net of
many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The primary aim of these programs is to help …

[SÁCH][B] Behavioral insights for public policy: concepts and cases

K Ruggeri - 2018 - books.google.com
The first decades of the twenty-first century have offered a remarkable shift in how policies
are made as well as who designs them. Until this period, local, regional, and national policy …

Cash transfers, early marriage, and fertility in Malawi and Zambia

F Dake, L Natali, G Angeles, J de Hoop… - Studies in family …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
There is increasing interest in the ability of cash transfers to facilitate safe transitions to
adulthood in low‐income settings; however, evidence from scaled‐up government …

Educational impacts of an unconditional cash transfer program in Mali

FE Sessou, M Hidrobo, S Roy, L Huybregts - Economics of Education …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract In rural West Africa, the rate of out-of-school children is high and delayed entry to
primary school is common, particularly for girls. Using the randomized roll-out of a large …

Cash transfers and human capital outcomes of children in LMICs: A systematic review using PRISMA

A Das, N Sethi - Heliyon, 2023 - cell.com
With an increasing shift towards cash transfers and the proposition of Universal Basic
Income (UBI) as a policy alternative to replace the existing schemes, there has been a rising …

An unconditional prenatal income supplement reduces population inequities in birth outcomes

M Brownell, NC Nickel, M Chartier, JE Enns… - Health …, 2018 - healthaffairs.org
The Commission on Social Determinants of Health, sponsored by the World Health
Organization, has identified measuring health inequities and evaluating interventions to …

Evaluation of a savings-led family-based economic empowerment intervention for AIDS-affected adolescents in Uganda: A four-year follow-up on efficacy and cost …

Y Tozan, S Sun, A Capasso, J Shu-Huah Wang… - PloS one, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Background Children who have lost a parent to HIV/AIDS, known as AIDS orphans, face
multiple stressors affecting their health and development. Family economic empowerment …