Metabarcoding advances agricultural invertebrate biomonitoring by enhancing resolution, increasing throughput and facilitating network inference
Biomonitoring of agriculturally important insects is increasingly vital given our need to
understand:(a) the severity of impacts by pests and pathogens on crop yield and health and …
understand:(a) the severity of impacts by pests and pathogens on crop yield and health and …
Cryptic diversity begets challenges and opportunities in biodiversity research
How many species of life are there on Earth? This is a question that we want to know but
cannot yet answer. Some scholars speculate that the number of species may reach 2.2 …
cannot yet answer. Some scholars speculate that the number of species may reach 2.2 …
DNA metabarcoding and morphological identification reveal similar richness, taxonomic composition and body size patterns among flying insect communities
Tracking insect biodiversity trends and predicting future trajectories is limited by a lack of
monitoring data across large spatiotemporal scales. DNA metabarcoding is a time‐and cost …
monitoring data across large spatiotemporal scales. DNA metabarcoding is a time‐and cost …
Comparison of destructive and nondestructive DNA extraction methods for the metabarcoding of arthropod bulk samples
DNA metabarcoding is routinely used for biodiversity assessment, in particular targeting
highly diverse groups for which limited taxonomic expertise is available. Various protocols …
highly diverse groups for which limited taxonomic expertise is available. Various protocols …
Pooling size sorted Malaise trap fractions to maximize taxon recovery with metabarcoding
Background Small and rare specimens can remain undetected when metabarcoding is
applied on bulk samples with a high specimen size heterogeneity. This is especially critical …
applied on bulk samples with a high specimen size heterogeneity. This is especially critical …
Illuminating arthropod diversity in a tropical forest: Assessing biodiversity by automatic light trap** and DNA metabarcoding
Although studies of insect decline have recently dominated headlines worldwide, their
interpretation requires caution since for most species, we lack long‐term population …
interpretation requires caution since for most species, we lack long‐term population …
COI Metabarcoding Provides Insights into the Highly Diverse Diet of a Generalist Salamander, Salamandra salamandra (Caudata: Salamandridae)
DNA metabarcoding has proven to be an accessible, cost-effective, and non-invasive tool for
dietary analysis of predators in situ. Although DNA metabarcoding provides numerous …
dietary analysis of predators in situ. Although DNA metabarcoding provides numerous …
Repeated subsamples during DNA extraction reveal increased diversity estimates in DNA metabarcoding of Malaise traps
With increased application of DNA metabarcoding in biodiversity assessment, various
laboratory protocols have been optimized, and their further evaluation is subject of current …
laboratory protocols have been optimized, and their further evaluation is subject of current …
Eastern Whip-poor-will abundance declines with urban land cover and increases with moth abundance in the American Midwest
Populations of avian aerial insectivores have declined across North America. A leading
factor hypothesized to be driving these trends is a decline in prey populations, although a …
factor hypothesized to be driving these trends is a decline in prey populations, although a …
The InBIO Barcoding Initiative Database: DNA barcodes of Portuguese moths
Abstract Background The InBIO Barcoding Initiative (IBI) Dataset-DS-IBILP08 contains
records of 2350 specimens of moths (Lepidoptera species that do not belong to the …
records of 2350 specimens of moths (Lepidoptera species that do not belong to the …