IronFleet: proving practical distributed systems correct
Distributed systems are notorious for harboring subtle bugs. Verification can, in principle,
eliminate these bugs a priori, but verification has historically been difficult to apply at full …
eliminate these bugs a priori, but verification has historically been difficult to apply at full …
Verdi: a framework for implementing and formally verifying distributed systems
Distributed systems are difficult to implement correctly because they must handle both
concurrency and failures: machines may crash at arbitrary points and networks may reorder …
concurrency and failures: machines may crash at arbitrary points and networks may reorder …
Planning for change in a formal verification of the raft consensus protocol
We present the first formal verification of state machine safety for the Raft consensus
protocol, a critical component of many distributed systems. We connected our proof to …
protocol, a critical component of many distributed systems. We connected our proof to …
[KNIHA][B] Consensus: Bridging theory and practice
D Ongaro - 2014 - search.proquest.com
Distributed consensus is fundamental to building fault-tolerant systems. It allows a collection
of machines to work as a coherent group that can survive the failures of some of its …
of machines to work as a coherent group that can survive the failures of some of its …
PSync: a partially synchronous language for fault-tolerant distributed algorithms
Fault-tolerant distributed algorithms play an important role in many critical/high-availability
applications. These algorithms are notoriously difficult to implement correctly, due to …
applications. These algorithms are notoriously difficult to implement correctly, due to …
Finding invariants of distributed systems: It's a small (enough) world after all
Today's distributed systems are increasingly complex, leading to subtle bugs that are difficult
to detect with standard testing methods. Formal verification can provably rule out such bugs …
to detect with standard testing methods. Formal verification can provably rule out such bugs …
Chapar: certified causally consistent distributed key-value stores
M Lesani, CJ Bell, A Chlipala - ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Today's Internet services are often expected to stay available and render high
responsiveness even in the face of site crashes and network partitions. Theoretical results …
responsiveness even in the face of site crashes and network partitions. Theoretical results …
IronFleet: proving safety and liveness of practical distributed systems
Distributed systems are notorious for harboring subtle bugs. Verification can, in principle,
eliminate these bugs, but it has historically been difficult to apply at full-program scale, much …
eliminate these bugs, but it has historically been difficult to apply at full-program scale, much …
Formal verification of multi-paxos for distributed consensus
This paper describes formal specification and verification of Lamport's Multi-Paxos algorithm
for distributed consensus. The specification is written in TLA+, Lamport's Temporal Logic of …
for distributed consensus. The specification is written in TLA+, Lamport's Temporal Logic of …
Cutoff bounds for consensus algorithms
Consensus algorithms are fundamental building blocks for fault-tolerant distributed systems
and their correctness is critical. However, there are currently no fully-automated methods for …
and their correctness is critical. However, there are currently no fully-automated methods for …