A review of “3D concrete printing”: Materials and process characterization, economic considerations and environmental sustainability
GH Ahmed - Journal of Building Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract 3D printing of cementitious materials or concrete (3DCP) has developed
unbelievably in past 10 years and has the potential to revolutionize the concrete industry …
unbelievably in past 10 years and has the potential to revolutionize the concrete industry …
[HTML][HTML] Extrusion-based additive manufacturing technologies: State of the art and future perspectives
SC Altıparmak, VA Yardley, Z Shi, J Lin - Journal of Manufacturing …, 2022 - Elsevier
Extrusion-based additive manufacturing (AM) has recently become widespread for the layer-
by-layer fabrication of three-dimensional prototypes and components even with highly …
by-layer fabrication of three-dimensional prototypes and components even with highly …
[HTML][HTML] Metal additive manufacturing in structural engineering–review, advances, opportunities and outlook
L Gardner - Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
Although still in its infancy, metal additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing has now arrived
at a scale suitable for use in construction. The new technology offers the potential for …
at a scale suitable for use in construction. The new technology offers the potential for …
Additive manufacturing: expanding 3D printing horizon in industry 4.0
Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology enables the production of personalized goods at
reduced development costs, shorter lead times, lower energy consumption during …
reduced development costs, shorter lead times, lower energy consumption during …
Additive manufacturing of metallic lattice structures: Unconstrained design, accurate fabrication, fascinated performances, and challenges
Lattice structures, which are also known as architected cellular structures, have been
applied in various industrial sectors, owing to their fascinated performances, such as low …
applied in various industrial sectors, owing to their fascinated performances, such as low …
Wire arc additive manufacturing of metals: A review on processes, materials and their behaviour
Metal additive manufacturing (MAM) techniques are continuously progressing since last
decade and have marked a remarkable impact on the industry. Amongst the numerous MAM …
decade and have marked a remarkable impact on the industry. Amongst the numerous MAM …
[HTML][HTML] Fatigue behaviour of FDM-3D printed polymers, polymeric composites and architected cellular materials
Polymer-based materials are increasingly produced through fused deposition modelling
(FDM)–an additive manufacturing process, due to its intrinsic advantages in manufacturing …
(FDM)–an additive manufacturing process, due to its intrinsic advantages in manufacturing …
[HTML][HTML] Wire and arc additive manufacturing of Fe-based shape memory alloys: microstructure, mechanical and functional behavior
Shape memory alloys (SMA) are a class of smart materials with inherent shape memory and
superelastic characteristics. Unlike other SMAs, iron-based SMAs (Fe-SMA) offer cost …
superelastic characteristics. Unlike other SMAs, iron-based SMAs (Fe-SMA) offer cost …
Mechanical properties and microstructure characteristics of wire arc additively manufactured high-strength steels
Additive manufacturing is a revolutionary emerging technology in the manufacturing
industry. Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is a metal additive manufacturing …
industry. Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is a metal additive manufacturing …
[HTML][HTML] 3D printing for remote housing: Benefits and challenges
Additive manufacturing and in particular, concrete 3D printing has been suggested as one of
the interesting solutions to unlock remote development, enhance the strength and capability …
the interesting solutions to unlock remote development, enhance the strength and capability …