[HTML][HTML] Musculoskeletal risks: RULA bibliometric review
The objective of this study was to reveal RULA method applications in terms of the
knowledge, country, year and journal categories. The search was performed using the “Web …
knowledge, country, year and journal categories. The search was performed using the “Web …
[HTML][HTML] Musculoskeletal disorders in agriculture: A review from web of science core collection
Agricultural workers suffer from many work-related illnesses. Some of the most common
include musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). These types of disorders are caused by diverse …
include musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). These types of disorders are caused by diverse …
Risk of musculoskeletal disorders in pepper cultivation workers
Agricultural workers have an increased risk of musculoskeletal disorders, mainly due to the
manual nature of the work. This study assesses the level of physical well-being in pepper …
manual nature of the work. This study assesses the level of physical well-being in pepper …
[HTML][HTML] Musculoskeletal risks of farmers in the olive grove (Jaén-Spain)
Spain is the largest producer of olive oil in the world and, consequently, it has the world's
largest olive-growing area. Workers are highly exposed to musculoskeletal risks due to the …
largest olive-growing area. Workers are highly exposed to musculoskeletal risks due to the …
[PDF][PDF] Desórdenes musculoesqueléticos en trabajadores agrícolas del olivar de Jaén (España).
M Barneo Alcántara - 2021 - repositorio.ual.es
España es el mayor productor de aceite de oliva del mundo y por ello, presenta la mayor
superficie mundial de cultivo del olivar. Los trabajadores están muy expuestos a los riesgos …
superficie mundial de cultivo del olivar. Los trabajadores están muy expuestos a los riesgos …
The Role of Postural Assessment Techniques in Different workplaces—A Review
The struggle for the upsurge in productivity in industrial sector has become a necessity in
present day's competitive world. The cut throat competitiveness has all the way come down …
present day's competitive world. The cut throat competitiveness has all the way come down …