Seismic wave attenuation and dispersion resulting from wave-induced flow in porous rocks—A review
One major cause of elastic wave attenuation in heterogeneous porous media is wave-
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …
Marchenko imaging
Traditionally, the Marchenko equation forms a basis for 1D inverse scattering problems. A
3D extension of the Marchenko equation enables the retrieval of the Green's response to a …
3D extension of the Marchenko equation enables the retrieval of the Green's response to a …
Seismic interferometry and ambient noise tomography in the British Isles
H Nicolson, A Curtis, B Baptie, E Galetti - Proceedings of the Geologists' …, 2012 - Elsevier
Traditional methods of imaging the Earth's subsurface using seismic waves require an
identifiable, impulsive source of seismic energy, for example an earthquake or explosive …
identifiable, impulsive source of seismic energy, for example an earthquake or explosive …
Tutorial on seismic interferometry: Part 2—Underlying theory and new advances
In the 1990s, the method of time-reversed acoustics was developed. This method exploits
the fact that the acoustic wave equation for a lossless medium is invariant for time reversal …
the fact that the acoustic wave equation for a lossless medium is invariant for time reversal …
[PDF][PDF] Seismic imaging and monitoring with ambient noise correlations
With the development of large networks, huge quantities of continuous recordings have
been made available. The extraction of deterministic information about the Earth structure …
been made available. The extraction of deterministic information about the Earth structure …
Next-generation seismic model of the Australian crust from synchronous and asynchronous ambient noise imaging
The proliferation of seismic networks in Australia has laid the groundwork for high-resolution
probing of the continental crust. Here we develop an updated 3D shear-velocity model using …
probing of the continental crust. Here we develop an updated 3D shear-velocity model using …
Surface wave isotropic and azimuthally anisotropic dispersion across Alaska and the Alaska‐Aleutian subduction zone
Comprehensive observations of surface wave anisotropy across Alaska and the Aleutian
subduction zone would help to improve understanding of its tectonics, mantle dynamics, and …
subduction zone would help to improve understanding of its tectonics, mantle dynamics, and …
Interferometric ground-roll removal: Attenuation of scattered surface waves in single-sensor data
Land seismic data are contaminated by surface waves (or ground roll). These surface waves
are a form of source-generated noise and can be strongly scattered by near-surface …
are a form of source-generated noise and can be strongly scattered by near-surface …
Focusing and Green's function retrieval in three-dimensional inverse scattering revisited: A single-sided Marchenko integral for the full wave field
The Marchenko integral, key to inverse scattering problems across many disciplines, is a
long-standing equation that relates single-sided reflection data and Green's functions for …
long-standing equation that relates single-sided reflection data and Green's functions for …
Green's function representations for Marchenko imaging without up/down decomposition
Marchenko methods are based on integral representations which express Green's functions
for virtual sources and/or receivers in the subsurface in terms of the reflection response at …
for virtual sources and/or receivers in the subsurface in terms of the reflection response at …