Deficits in advance care planning for patients with decompensated cirrhosis at liver transplant centers
Importance The burden of end-of-life care for patients with cirrhosis is increasing in the US,
and most of these patients, many of whom are not candidates for liver transplant, die in …
and most of these patients, many of whom are not candidates for liver transplant, die in …
The role of childhood violence in adult victimization among women experiencing homelessness in spain
Persons experiencing homelessness represent one of the principal manifestations of the
phenomenon of social exclusion, with homeless women constituting a group in a particularly …
phenomenon of social exclusion, with homeless women constituting a group in a particularly …
Sexual intimacy, mental illness, and homelessness
The current article reviews the literature on sexuality among individuals with a severe mental
illness (SMI) who have experienced homelessness, a topic that has received little attention …
illness (SMI) who have experienced homelessness, a topic that has received little attention …
The particularly vulnerable situation of women living homeless in Madrid (Spain)
People in homeless situation are one of the major embodiments of the phenomenon of
social exclusion, and women living homeless are considered a particularly vulnerable …
social exclusion, and women living homeless are considered a particularly vulnerable …
Barriers to condom use among women at risk of HIV/AIDS: a qualitative study from Iran
Background The growing trend of women infected with HIV through sexual transmission is
alarming. Factors influencing condom use have not yet been fully identified, especially in …
alarming. Factors influencing condom use have not yet been fully identified, especially in …
[HTML][HTML] Balancing bias and burden in personal network studies
Personal network data is increasingly used to answer research questions about the interplay
between individuals (ie, egos) and their social environment (ie, alters). Researchers …
between individuals (ie, egos) and their social environment (ie, alters). Researchers …
Sexual and romantic relationships among people experiencing homelessness: A sco** review.
Homelessness is widely recognized as a pervasive issue. Despite increasing research on
factors affecting the health and well-being of people who are homeless, one that remains …
factors affecting the health and well-being of people who are homeless, one that remains …
Unprotected sex of homeless youth: Results from a multilevel dyadic analysis of individual, social network, and relationship factors
Homeless youth have elevated risk of HIV through sexual behavior. This project investigates
the multiple levels of influence on unprotected sex among homeless youth, including social …
the multiple levels of influence on unprotected sex among homeless youth, including social …
[HTML][HTML] A Patient-Centered Conceptual Model of AYA Cancer Survivorship Care Informed by a Qualitative Interview Study
Simple Summary Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) experiencing cancer have support
needs that differ from older adult cancer patients. The aim of our qualitative study was to …
needs that differ from older adult cancer patients. The aim of our qualitative study was to …
Prevalence of HIV infection and the correlates among homeless in Tehran, Iran
Objective To determine the prevalence of HIV infection among homeless men and women
and the related risk behaviors in Tehran, Iran. Methods In 2007–2008, Tehran municipality …
and the related risk behaviors in Tehran, Iran. Methods In 2007–2008, Tehran municipality …