Ontology-based systems engineering: A state-of-the-art review
In recent years ontology-based systems engineering has grown significantly. Its raison d'etre
is to use ontologies to improve the systems engineering body of knowledge. Specifically …
is to use ontologies to improve the systems engineering body of knowledge. Specifically …
Intelligent green retrofitting of existing buildings based on case-based reasoning and random forest
T Liu, G Ma, D Wang, X Pan - Automation in Construction, 2024 - Elsevier
The decision-making on green retrofitting of existing buildings relies on both explicit and
implicit knowledge, and its efficiency and reliability need improvement. Intelligent …
implicit knowledge, and its efficiency and reliability need improvement. Intelligent …
Customized and knowledge-centric service design model integrating case-based reasoning and TRIZ
Aiming at accelerating customized innovative service design, a novel knowledge-centric
innovative service design (KISD) model is proposed through integrating memory-oriented …
innovative service design (KISD) model is proposed through integrating memory-oriented …
An exploration of the many ways to approach the discipline of enterprise architecture
P Saint-Louis, J Lapalme - International Journal of …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Despite growing interest in enterprise architecture (EA) around the world in recent years, a
lack of common understanding is frequently described by EA researchers/practitioners. We …
lack of common understanding is frequently described by EA researchers/practitioners. We …
A contradiction solving method for complex product conceptual design based on deep learning and technological evolution patterns
J Mao, Y Zhu, M Chen, G Chen, C Yan, D Liu - Advanced Engineering …, 2023 - Elsevier
Contradictions caused by the various design constraints present increasing challenges to
efficiency and innovation in product development. TRIZ provides Inventive Principles (IPs) …
efficiency and innovation in product development. TRIZ provides Inventive Principles (IPs) …
Ontology learning for systems engineering body of knowledge
Extant systems engineering standards are so fragmented that the conceptualization of a
cohesive body of knowledge is not easy. The discrepancies between different standards …
cohesive body of knowledge is not easy. The discrepancies between different standards …
A CBR-based decision-making model for supporting the intelligent energy-efficient design of the exterior envelope of public and commercial buildings
The building envelope is a key factor affecting the energy efficiency of buildings. Often,
building envelope design requires both explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. In practice …
building envelope design requires both explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. In practice …
Dynamic Enterprise Architecture planning using case-based reasoning and blockchain
Nowadays, Enterprises are aware that the only existing certainty, is a future of great
uncertainty (Allen Paulos). Therefore, the potential drivers of change should be detected and …
uncertainty (Allen Paulos). Therefore, the potential drivers of change should be detected and …
Human-machine collaboration in online customer service–a long-term feedback-based approach
R Graef, M Klier, K Kluge, JF Zolitschka - Electronic Markets, 2021 - Springer
The rising expectations of customers have considerably contributed to the need for
automated approaches supporting employees in online customer service. Since automated …
automated approaches supporting employees in online customer service. Since automated …
A smart decision making system for the selection of production parameters using digital twin and ontologies
M Abadi, A Chaimae, A Asmae… - International Journal of …, 2022 - search.proquest.com
Currently, the industrial and economic environment is highly competitive, forcing companies
to keep up with technological progress and to be efficient in terms of quality and …
to keep up with technological progress and to be efficient in terms of quality and …