Energy costs of salt tolerance in crop plants
Agriculture is expanding into regions that are affected by salinity. This review considers the
energetic costs of salinity tolerance in crop plants and provides a framework for a …
energetic costs of salinity tolerance in crop plants and provides a framework for a …
[HTML][HTML] Calcium homeostasis and signaling in plant immunity
Abstract Calcium (Ca 2+) signaling consists of three steps:(1) initiation of a change in
cellular Ca 2+ concentration in response to a stimulus,(2) recognition of the change through …
cellular Ca 2+ concentration in response to a stimulus,(2) recognition of the change through …
Fruit calcium: transport and physiology
Calcium has well-documented roles in plant signaling, water relations and cell wall
interactions. Significant research into how calcium impacts these individual processes in …
interactions. Significant research into how calcium impacts these individual processes in …
Plant acclimation to long-term high nitrogen deposition in an N-rich tropical forest
Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has accelerated terrestrial N cycling at regional and
global scales, causing nutrient imbalance in many natural and seminatural ecosystems …
global scales, causing nutrient imbalance in many natural and seminatural ecosystems …
[ספר][B] Handbook of plant nutrition
AV Barker, DJ Pilbeam - 2015 -
This new edition provides current information on the nutritional requirements of world crops.
It presents research on the acquisition, accumulation, transport, and functions of chemical …
It presents research on the acquisition, accumulation, transport, and functions of chemical …
The intricacy of silicon, plant growth regulators and other signaling molecules for abiotic stress tolerance: An entrancing crosstalk between stress alleviators
Unfavorable environmental conditions are the critical inimical to the sustainable agriculture.
Among various novel strategies designed to protect plants from abiotic stress threats, use of …
Among various novel strategies designed to protect plants from abiotic stress threats, use of …
Reduction of transpiration and altered nutrient allocation contribute to nutrient decline of crops grown in elevated CO2 concentrations
Plants grown in elevated [CO2] have lower protein and mineral concentrations compared
with plants grown in ambient [CO2]. Dilution by enhanced production of carbohydrates is a …
with plants grown in ambient [CO2]. Dilution by enhanced production of carbohydrates is a …
How do leaf veins influence the worldwide leaf economic spectrum? Review and synthesis
Leaf vein traits are implicated in the determination of gas exchange rates and plant
performance. These traits are increasingly considered as causal factors affecting the 'leaf …
performance. These traits are increasingly considered as causal factors affecting the 'leaf …
Trichoderma spp. Improves Flowering, Quality, and Nutritional Status of Ornamental Plants
Scientists all over the world conduct research to determine the influence of Trichoderma spp.
on various groups of plants, mostly crops. However, there is little information on the …
on various groups of plants, mostly crops. However, there is little information on the …
Leaf mesophyll conductance and leaf hydraulic conductance: an introduction to their measurement and coordination
Two highly contrasting variables summarizing the efficiency of transport of materials within
the leaf are recognized as playing central roles in determining gas exchange and plant …
the leaf are recognized as playing central roles in determining gas exchange and plant …