[HTML][HTML] Patterns and challenges in help-seeking for addiction among men: A systematic review

JA Camacho-Ruiz, CM Galvez-Sánchez… - Journal of Clinical …, 2024 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background/Objectives: Addictive and substance-related disorders represent a substantial
public health challenge, marked by rising incidence and prevalence rates. Men and women …

La salud de adolescentes y adultos transgénero: Revisión sistemática desde la perspectiva de género

A Rodríguez, M García, R Gras - Revista Iberoamericana de …, 2019 - redalyc.org
El presente trabajo analiza los estudios actuales sobre la salud de adolescentes y adultos
transgénero desde la perspectiva de género, teniendo en cuenta las consecuencias …

The role of parental social class, education and unemployment on child cognitive development

L González, R Cortés-Sancho, M Murcia… - Gaceta …, 2020 - SciELO Public Health
Objective Assessing the association between socioeconomic gradient and cognitive
development among children of a Spanish birth cohort aged 5-6 years from a gender …

A multidimensional gender analysis of health technology self-efficacy among people with Parkinson's disease

I Göttgens, SKL Darweesh, BR Bloem… - Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Background Digital health technologies (DHT) enable self-tracking of bio-behavioral states
and pharmacotherapy outcomes in various diseases. However, the role of gender …

[HTML][HTML] Representaciones sociales de la identidad y los roles de género en adolescentes de una escuela secundaria de México

R Balanta Mera, K Obispo Salazar - Interdisciplinaria, 2022 - SciELO Argentina
La identidad y los roles de género son de los aspectos más complejos e importantes de la
sexualidad, pues definen la forma en la que las personas piensan, sienten y se comportan …

Gender roles and women's mental health: their influence on the demand for psychological care

ST Caballero, VC Hernáez, AÁ Espada… - Anales de Psicología …, 2022 - revistas.um.es
La prevalencia de determinados diagnósticos–trastorno de la conducta alimentaria,
depresión, ansiedad y trastorno límite–es superior en mujeres que en hombres …

Roles de género y salud mental en las mujeres: su influencia en la demanda de atención psicológica

S Toribio-Caballero, V Cardenal, A Ávila… - Anales de …, 2022 - SciELO Espana
The prevalence of certain diagnoses, such as eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and
borderline personality disorder, is higher among women than among men. When it comes to …

[HTML][HTML] Exploring the Role of Masculinity in Male Suicide: A Systematic Review

CM Galvez-Sánchez, JA Camacho-Ruiz… - Psychiatry …, 2024 - mdpi.com
(1) Background: Suicide represents a critical global public health concern. In the majority of
countries, men have higher rates of suicide completion, while women show higher rates of …

[HTML][HTML] Exploring the Intersection of Hegemonic Masculinity, Sexuality, and Addiction in Men: A Qualitative Study

JA Camacho-Ruiz, CM Galvez-Sánchez, F Galli… - Healthcare, 2024 - mdpi.com
Background/Objectives: In our society, as well as in many other parts of the world, sexuality
is shaped through gender-differentiated socialization. This process compels individuals to …

National and subnational variations in gender relations and the utilization of maternal healthcare services in Nigeria

Y Adewoyin, CO Odimegwu, T Bassey… - Pan African Medical …, 2022 - ajol.info
Introduction: poor maternal health outcomes remain a major public health issue in Nigeria.
These have been shown to be affected by the low level of utilization of maternal healthcare …